Men don't hit the wa-

>men don't hit the wa-

Attached: WALL.webm (496x960, 2.27M)

Not trying to cope but of course you will hit the wall faster if you stop taking care of yourself

If you want to slow age gracefully and not hit the wall like a freight train, you still have to eat healthy and lift daily, you can't just suddenly stop.

The reason a lot of women hit the wall fast is because they are lazy and after finding a man they get even more lazy. But that's no excuse for you as a man to get lazy, you always have to look your best.

You're just looking for a universal law to justify your inferior genes and mediocre effort in staying attractive

just shave it bro'ers

noticeably absent lmao

>just shave it bro!

Attached: shave.jpg (2048x2048, 1.8M)

It fucking is what it is. Are you gonna live in despair because you lost hair? You think this homo wouldnt look better if he lifted or atleast didnt get fat?

chicks will dig it bro! shows your confident about it,

brb not trying everything under the sun to keep your

brb they fucked up and want to make balding norm

it's 2020 m8 if ur not at least on finasteride or minoxidil ur not trying, and ur appearance will take a necking cuz of it,

this is about hitting the wall dubmass, you don't think a wall'd woman would look better if she lifted and didn't get far?

Is he born in 97? Wtf
He looks 20 years older than 23

turns out eating pizza and drinking on the weekends isn't good for you

That flabby alcoholic would be soooo hot if only he had hair!

>le wall
Kys unironically
>chemically castrating yourself for hair
No thanks haha

suit yourself

Attached: musk.jpg (3000x2000, 664.93K)

If true, he's fucked up big.
But still he can start working out, lifting and eating well. At 23 there's a chance. Not for dat balding of course.

Yeah, dude got fat and shaved it ALL
WHY?! Some people don't know what they have

haha i need people to tell me what to think and say lemme just regurgitate some unoriginal thought echo chamber bc i cant think nor do independent research for myself so that i can better cope with my problems without actually doing anything about them

>23 yo
its over for him

Been on Minoxydil for a decade now, from 20 to 30.
It slows down the process but doesn't stop shit and I'm getting closer to the tipping point where shaving is the only acceptable move left.

The baldness he couldn't do anything about, but other than that
> Eat healthy and exercise daily so as not to become a fat lard
> Contact lenses instead of geeky glasses
> Drop the fake self-ironic, but really pity-electing, persona

Anyone will hit the Wall if you act like a bitch and live like a sack of shit.

>shaved it all

I mean.. Maybe he was balding?

Money. Goddamn the night could buy a whole fucking scalp transplant id he wanted.

finasteride is first line of defense bro, minoxidil does nothing to combat male pattern baldness at it's root.


This guy is only 22-23!

I mean he did say life went down hill fast

Lmao you on fin right

>Imagine taking a literal tranny drug for something as meaningless as hair.

You sir are a failure to your ancestors. I wish your grandfather were still alive so he could beat some masculinity into you

>just shave it bro

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That hair style is so faggoty that it might be better to shave it.

looks good, you have a good skull shape

basedboy to turbo beta

americas top tragedies