I'm an asian girl, 24yo, 5' and about 100 lb weight. I have been skinny my whole life and now want to change that, I want to gain lean mass, wouldn't mind a normal amount of fat, mainly want to get thicker legs and a bigger rear. I never worked out so this will be my first time, I still can't go to the gym because of quarantine but will do the exercises at home.
I know squats are the most popular of building thighs/ass exercises, but I'm looking and learning what other exercises would be important for a good improvement, would like some advice.
Right now my body is close to the left figure, but I'm less skinny and my ass is round (but small) already. My ass cheeks are a bit short too.
you want me to Rice Paddy your pussy baby I want you come over here and call me ching chong Daddy
Tyler Rivera
btw I'm trans if that matters and by 24yo I mean 33 and by 5' I mean 5' and by 100lb I mean 100kg
David Sanders
Henry Bell
SS and GOMAD faggot
Joseph Bailey
Please show us your physique. It's important to give advice based on the proportions of your limbs and current leanness and musculoskeletal arrangement. You cant start a race if you don't know where the starting line is after all.
Hudson Johnson
This. And don't forget we need to see as much detail on muscle insertions as possible, so no clothes
Isaac Peterson
Discord tranny went to Yas Forums Because xir's life's a failure Made a shitty post and now xe looks like a nigger
Discord tranny, keep it up! Read the fucking sticky- Please join the 40% and read the FUCKING STICKY
Learn how squat properly. Here's a video on core positioning and proper bracing. m.youtube.com/watch?v=0mB-YEwFuFg Bracing is key, its what supports your spine when lifting or squatting with a heavy load. Squat variations are good too, here's a video on front squatting. m.youtube.com/watch?v=v-mQm_droHg Squat heavy, squat often. Don't do 10,000 reps with the bar. Do all your sets between 3 and 20 reps and you'll build muscle. You need to eat enough protein, 60 or 80grams a day isnt going to cut it. Eat more protein. Be consistent about your diet. .enjoy getting thicc
Christian Perry
lmao @ that gif
Lucas Roberts
Unironically this
Andrew Smith
what the fuck is this?
Gavin Jackson
Luis Reed
Deadlifts. Until you hit intermediate, squats and deadlifts are enough
Bitch just put on 10lbs of fat and twisted her hips?
Isaac Price
Skwat Deadlift Hip thrust Eat more Regular thot stuff. Just look up any insta thot routine And tell Marty I said Hi
Easton Jones
Yes and op post your feet so we can tell you what kind of shoes to buy
Julian Perez
Look up "Strong Curves" routine by Brett Contreas. Probably a subreddit for it. That's your best bet.
Unless somebody on here has Caladan's girl routine saved, but since Yas Forums is mostly newfags I'm pretty sure it's gone with the mists of time.
Thomas Rogers
left is much better and you're either a fucking nigger or someone who had their brains scooped out by jewish media and replaced with whatever that black goop niggers have in their skulls if you find right hotter you faggot animal niggers