Gotta go fast

do I have a chance at getting a v taper? I’m still gonna cut for Ramadan so we’ll see if I become gymcel or gymbro

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Front Image, if you can take a guess at bf% would help

Attached: ABFE94B5-CC0A-4DF3-9C16-7DA3B16F8958.jpg (1575x2100, 402.97K)

If digits, you Go away

You can do it bro, here is me in March

Attached: IMG_20200312_132134__01.jpg (2125x2125, 1.01M)


Hahahahaha go away now

And me earlier today.

Attached: IMG_20200424_155936__01__01__01.jpg (1906x1906, 832.73K)

Bye bye nigger



holy shit bro good work! should I stay off obliques to avoid getting blocky?

holy shit bro good work! should I stay off obliques to avoid getting/staying blocky?rn I’m at a 0.89 waist to hip ratio

I don't think it really matters, you just have to get lean first to figure out where you're at. If anything working obliques should help keep the skin tight.
Bro it is only gay if you're a dude and aroused.

I fucking wish

you should stay off all that shit food and drink you have been having for years. work your core. buy an ab wheel and work core everyday.

Im eating clean now and abs every other day, I’m asking about my aesthetic potential


Pajeets are niggers. You are a nigger. YOU ARE A NIGGER
Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself

im just happy you got it right

your potential is as far as you want to push yourself. you have a long way to go from these photos.

Holy fuck kill yourself already nigger

Gotta savor those little victories, those types of dudes don't get much to celebrate these days

it must be hard to go through life with so much pain. If you give up on racism you will feel better it's only hurting you.

Thank you genuinely


Bro you're probably like 25%, you can get slim quick, just stop eating for a few weeks and when you refeed do it at a deficit and start lifting as your body fat recomps, then start lifting harder and switch to maintenance, good luck

see I have to fast for about a month, and Ramadan fasting prohibits water, and if I don’t lift during that time I’ll probably lose gains right? Will this make me flat or do I have enough muscle mass to get away with it

Regardless thank you for help bro

Pecs bro, seriously

eat less

No shit. I'm sure your chest looks way better but some of us are fighting genetics here.

Attached: IMG_20200419_221704__01.jpg (2304x2304, 1.27M)

Wake up and take the agnosticpill bro, worshipping a God that dgaf and lets terrible things happen all the time is retardant, so is believing in a prophet that married a 6-9-year-old girl because "God told me to so no one else would marry her lol". Also if being gay is wrong, why make it possible for people to be gay at all, and curse them with a constant desire to sin? These are just a couple examples of obvious fallacies.

I mean for a long time I was willing to accept the retarded explanations because it was easier than realizing my family was retarded, but it's a truth I've had to accept. You can take the good lessons from Muhammad and the Sahabah and accept that no one's perfect, and no one can prove whether God exists or doesnt. And before any Christfags jump in, you're all retarded too.

Anyway good luck with your workouts man, you can get lean for sure. Who cares about whether you can get a v-taper or not, just focus on getting as fit and strong as possible; you'll still end up better than where you're at now.

Are you gonna show us some pecs bro?