What's the least trash men's multi-vitamin?

What's the least trash men's multi-vitamin?

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I figured this dude was in shape but DAMN
I take this, I think it's good.

Isn't that shit for old fucks? I'm in my 20's.

I've been drinking a lot of grapefruit and orange juice lately. Made my body relaxed as fuck as of late.

Now Sports Multi.

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Flintstones gummies

I just discovered this guy like 2 weeks ago. Fuck he's based.

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Rainbow Light

ZMA all you need bro

Dude has that
>I rape men exclusively because it's more of a challenge
Look and vibe, and that's something I respect in a man

It just has slightly more stuff and slightly higher concentrations, definitely won't hurt someone younger. Centrum is the most researched multivitamin and we'll established. Anything else is kind of a gamble, since you're just going to have to trust the manufacturer, not many other vitamins are extensively tested, and certainly not independently.

Individual vitamins and a variety of healthy nutritious whole foods.

Yes it is, I take the one that doesn't say 50+

Anons I hope you realise that taking more vitamins than you need doesnt actually do anything, you just piss them out
They aren't drugs

>Individual vitamins
Tried that in the past, it's hard to maintain though. I figure one horse pill and maybe some extra D3 and Zinc for test, so three, is better than a literally handful of shit.

Water soluble ones, sure. Fat soluble don't just get pissed out (also the ones you have to really be careful about over doing).

How much do you make per post?

Fucking schizo, you really think centrum is going to pay someone to state the obvious? Google it, I use it because I did my research and that was what I determined to be the best option for me. If you think something is better, go ahead and make your point. OP asked and I delivered, it is a well researched multivitamin, it is a safe bet, and the formula I pictured is the stronger formula. I take it because I don't eat a balanced diet and skip meals. Your mileage may vary, so do your own research if you think you're better off with something else.

>those cute little girls running up the stairs around 30 seconds
God I love being white.

Yo this dude is crazy

ZMA is great, even for non-lifters.

I hope you mean in the
>kids are cute, I want some kids some day, this is the future of our people
way and not a Yas Forums way.

Truly I meant the first reason. They're prepubescent bruh that's sick. But nubile women acting cute raises my test in a lot of the same ways too.

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Is there any good recommended testosterone boosters? I just want to build a fuck ton of muscle after quarantine and I heard that helps

The only multivitamin backed by the NSF is the AM/PM combo from Thorne. Thorne in general is the safest bet for any supplement

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>And your next.. please note that while I’m raping you, you may have to deal with my shatner-esq ...pauses... and my speech impediment. Now before I fuck you in the ass I need to get a few things out of the way first...Note, I will ~NOT~ be using lube, and this comes with a few caveats...Caveat number one; why ~wouldn’t~ I use lube? Well using personal lubrication is a choice many rapists choose to take I personally choose not to in order to enhance the feeling of pain, which heightens my feeling of pleasure... Please note, your mileage may vary and you need to take into account the conditions under which your forced intercourse will take place. Caveat number two.........


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is this shit a meme?

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Kirkland signature is fine. They test the shit out of that one.

You don’t really need it if you’re eating a balanced diet, but if it makes you feel better and it doesn’t harm you, it’s your life.

Dude is like by the way I killed some men innawoods

I use evlnutrition or >JYM

Flintstone gummies