Just ate 2 tubs of chocolate ice cream and i wont gain a single kilogram out of it due to my godlike metabolism
Just ate 2 tubs of chocolate ice cream and i wont gain a single kilogram out of it due to my godlike metabolism
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>why am I getting fat wtf CICO is bullshit man wtf is happening
cope, gonna finish another one and still look the same
you might gain kilos of muscle. keep gaining king
Ask me how I know your under 30
Tell me why anyone over 30 is posting?
Based. Post body so calorie counters can seethe.
nice try faggot
Enjoy it while it lasts.
And then suffer when it slows and you have no willpower.
sounds like youll never be strong. simple as
Because we actually know things.
Because we were 13 when Yas Forums was invented and we never left. It'll happen to you if you're too stupid to get off this hell hole.
For something to do probably the exact reasons you do? My wife is watching some shit on tv so I’m just browsing on my phone. I hope you don’t think that after 30 your life changes and you don’t like browsing Yas Forums anymore ha ha.
This is a meme. The only way you lose weight is through shitting, pissing and breathing. Unless you’re going to the bathroom five times a day or constantly hyperventilating you’re going to gain weight.
I'm 37 and I had 5 slices of pizza and 3 1/4 lb hamburgers for lunch over a 3 hour period.
Haven't even hit my macros yet, probably have 1lb of ground beef with humburger helper tonight.
Post body.
Is metabolism just a meme perpetuated by normies? Are TDEE,TEF and caloric intake the only thing that matter? I'm unsure what a 'metabolism' is anymore
It's variable from person to person, rule of thumb is the taller/wider someone is, the more calories they need to maintain their weight, people who are short or are thin-framed require less of them. Someone who says "I can eat as much as I want and not gain a single pound" are meeting their TDEE and doesn't realize it, but they just eat like shit
I eat entire costco pizzas to myself.
I know a guy that eats like half what I do and hes 350lbs lol its genetic.
I'm the same way, but I don't eat all the sweets I want because I'm afraid of the diabetes boogeyman and rotting my teeth out
Metabolism is the rate that cellular activity occurs. Slow metabolism means slower fat burning and slower protein biosynthesis. Obviously this is a very basic explanation.
Makes sense that fat people would have slower metabolisms since they're insulated by fat, they lose less heat.
Fat actually burns calories so the fatter you get the more you need to eat.
Excess fat floods your body with leptin, a hormone that causes your brain to feel satiety, as in you can't get hungry.
Fat people develop a resistance to this hormone due to the constantly high levels and their ability to feel full basically shuts down permanently, then the constant binge eating spikes insulin way too high and their bodies metabolism slows waaaaaaay down.
Basically once you get fat you develop permanent resistance to the chemical hormones that regulate metabolism and the only way to get it back to normal is keto/fasting/low carb diets where your insulin is stabilized and low.
Here's a nice graphic although the sample size is small
I lost that metabolism at like 23
What if they just ate less
Then they wouldn't be fat
There is a direct link with cellular aging obesity and IQ. They can literally test a kid's IQ and know if he will get fat and age quickly.
You'll end up catching the beeties from your Kraft Singles like a true dyel
>implying I eat cheese in any context other than pizza
I'm 6'4" 225lbs and been eating 2 tubs of vanilla pecan a week since lockdown started. I workout 3x a week no cardio. How do i stop this craving plz help.
>get off this hell hole.
idk about any of this but I literally can't lose weight unless I starve myself
>Hurr every body is exactly the same
Meant for this one