/plg/ Powerlifting General

>Raise Your Limits Edition
>The official pastebin
The POWERLIFTING General, the strong general on 4channel


>What is depthprivilege?

>How to lowbar squat by Alastair MacNicol

>How to squat with Chris Duffin

>How to deadlift with Chris Duffin

>How to bench press with Mark Bell

>Scot Mendelson TEACHES The Bench Press & "Body Drive"

>How to piss off Isley

Additional videos and reading on benching, squatting, deadlifting, bands, accessories, etc., can be found in the pastbin.

>Trips PRs Pastebin

>Programs not totally shit on every thread
Blevins Skynet AI
The Bridge
The Cube (+ Predator)
Juggernaut Method 2.0
Destroy the Opposition
5th Set

Full list see the pastebin

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for stones again

just try harder lmao

Eat a ton of protein
Squat heavy
Push heavy objects
Have sex
Love life

I'm just talking about the specific programs themselves that are usually posted here. E.g. 3x bench, 2x squat, and 1x dead for intermediate (hence 1-3x) and 4x bench, 2x squat and 2x deadlift (hence 2-4x)

And what do you think of the Norwegian powerlifting programs (by Dietmar Wolf), which have the Norwegian team doing incredibly high frequency programming?

Based Wendler

Unfortunately for you, Sheiko kind of throws a whole wrench into your whole idea. Because with how the fatigue is accumulated, you're basically never fully recovered for any session

You don't have to fully recover to improve dude, it doesn't even remotely invalidate my opinions on recovery.

You seemed quite insistent on recovering fully between sessions in the last thread. However, once you get advanced enough (honestly not even that far into being an intermediate lifter), your ability to progress by going balls to the wall and waiting until you're fully recovered won't work because the stimulus is going to be too much for your body to recover from AND elicit substantial adaptation because the fitness you gain will dissipate by the time you're back to normal (in the vast majority of cases anyway, roidaroos freaks like Lilibridge being an obvious exception). Thoughts on Dietmar Wolf's programming like I asked in ?

I was mostly arguing that there is little point in doing that kind of training when you can get almost the same benefit when not lifting while still fatigued or doms or whatever you want to call it, a non-fully-recovered state.

If I'm squatting 205 and hit my legs with deadlift/squats 4x a month in total, 2 squat 2 deadlift, its pretty fucking safe to say I'm not at that genetic wall where training while fatigued would be needed or even beneficial.

>If I'm squatting 205 and hit my legs with deadlift/squats 4x a month in total, 2 squat 2 deadlift, its pretty fucking safe to say I'm not at that genetic wall where training while fatigued would be needed or even beneficial.
Except that you would already be miles past where you are if you didn't insist on being completely, 100% recovered for every session. There's more to lifting than just muscular development. You don't retain motor patterns nearly as well with such an incredibly low frequency.

>You don't retain motor patterns nearly as well with such an incredibly low frequency.

Ever pick something up off the floor?
Do you intentionally try and use flat footed squatting form to do so?
I do lol... gotta harness your autism bro.

Also miles my ass, I've gone from squatting 135 failing at the 10th rep on the last set to doing 205 in 4 months. Training fatigued may have increased that very slightly. I squat TWICE a month.

Squatting with a barbell on your back isn't the same thing. Motor patterns vary with moving the bar even 3 inches down your back, do you think they won't be different when you pick something off the floor? Motor patterns matter just as much as muscle mass does.

205 for...?

one warmup set of 5-6 then three sets of 10. I try and use a weight where doing an 11th would be impossible or I would break form horribly to finish.

Have you ever actually given SS a try? Frequency also matters for mobility too, not just motor patterns. Obviously one can't say your gains would have stayed at the same rate or that you wouldn't have stalled, but 16 weeks of SS is a lot more than 70 lbs added to your squat. I personally went from 205 3x5 to 280 3x5 in about 2 months before tearing my pecs squatting. I was pretty much at the end of SS but having to run it again once I was fully healed, I got back to 275 in about a month. 2 months of intermediate, more periodized programming once you finish your newbie gains is no joke, and would have done a lot to both your strength and muscle mass.

Good for you, but 205x10 doesn't mean shit on the platform.

>tearing my pecs squatting
How did you manage that?

Eh well it was the end of january up until today, so more like 3 months. I'll probably stall at 205 for a while while I work on my depth, I get a lot weaker past parallel and it saps my strength very quickly. If I need to adjust to lower reps and more sets to progress once my mobility issues are cleared I will, I don't know if that's the case because its still new training to me.

I don't have a platform I have a power rack in my room.

Bad form in some aspects of my squat and grinding the absolute end of SS which obviously wasn't the best idea. Mostly from the former though. I was just bending the bar across my back instead of trying to pull it down and shoving my elbows forward.

>Its another rippletits circlejerk episode
waiting to properly recover before the next workout is maddox's method, though his programming is different with usually a high intensity lift, the lower volume/speed



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I've never had to apply much force to the bar with my arms whether I do low or high, seems kind of strange that you need to.

>Get a lot weaker past parallel
That's normal, sticking point for most people is just out of the hole on squats. And if you don't train going to PL depth at minimum then you'll be very weak there

Which user were you, Mr. New Trip?

It accomplishes two things when done correctly.
1. It keeps your chest from caving
2. It keeps your upper back musculature tight
You should be doing it for better force transfer.

It's such a waste of time to argue with somebody who has never even stepped on the competition platform.

Also, Maddox is a world class lifter. The stimulus his body receives from such heavy weight is very different than the stimulus a novice lifter receives. It's why I said Lilibridge is an exception as well.

Dude I can squat with my fucking pinkies on the bar and my arms totally relaxed, I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

Do you not have traps?

Chest from caving? Dude my chest doesn't cave in that's what ribs are for.

Keeps your upper back musculature tight? Dude I can flex my traps and shoulders to hold the bar in place without using force through my arms at all and its what I'm already used to doing..

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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Actually I just realized its probably because I have awesome knurling on an expensive bar that grips tightly to my back and also I'm using pussy weight still so it probably doesn't even matter until I get to higher weights.

the strongest obviously. im doubting it was a tear at all, and probably something like a strain. a minor tear at worse. Did you get an MRI?
theres also lots of low shoulder mobility roiders out there that haven't had a chest tear from squatting, so im having a hard time believing you unless you really are prone to injury from physical activity.
you said advanced lifters, and i just figured id bring it up since its out there. lilibrige didn't wait four or five days between workouts. should be easy to follow on his ig. to see what he did based on the frequency of heavy days posted!
i did mention that maddox's programming is different where its not a "balls to the wall" single for every workout. josh isnt a retard

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>Chest from caving? Dude my chest doesn't cave in that's what ribs are for.
Upper back collapse is very common if you allow your elbows to shoot upward and/or if you look down

>Keeps your upper back musculature tight? Dude I can flex my traps and shoulders to hold the bar in place without using force through my arms at all
It's less about holding the bar in place and more about reinforcing torso rigidity

Assuming you mean you have a rogue opb, yeah the knurl on it is great but you're missing out on lots of force transfer by not doing it. I can't think of a single high level powerlifter or coach that wouldn't bring it up in a tutorial about squatting.

Watch these

>Strongest of all
G-G-Grizzly? But actually, who? Koreabro?

MRI confirmed tears at the myotendinous junction of both pecs. Minor tears, but tears nonetheless.


Also, not only were they tears, but they were torn scar tissue, meaning I had actually torn them in the same place prior. I'm pretty sure I remember the first time it happened, I just didn't put two and two together until I was informed about it

Jesus dude.

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