negative canthal tilt

> negative canthal tilt
> recessed chin
> big lips

and yet he still mogs 100% of incels who claim these features mean its over. LOL. Lookism is dead

Attached: jeremie.jpg (450x450, 32.99K)

meeks has positive canthal tilt you retard. even in this pic from a lower viewpoint it looks neutral at worst.
meeks got famous from a series of face-forward pictures where it actually looked like his chin was very pronounced.

so how does this btfo lookism again?


Attached: jeremeeee.jpg (634x697, 81K)

>hates lookism
>shits up fitness board with lookism threads unrelated to fitness


Dios mio...

>low bf
>high cheekbones
>non-recessed hairline
>light eyes

Positive traits can outshine negative ones. Not everyone is going to be some henry cavil giga-chad

My cousin literally looks like that, do people really find this handsome

"People" don't.
(((((people))))) do.

You forgot the funniest one of them all:
>balding like crazy

Why do you incels care about canthal tilt so much?

Attached: giulia1.jpg (640x800, 76.37K)

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How is this fitness related?

Why are you calling me an incel? For what purpose? To make what point?
LOOKISM posters do not care about canthal tilt "so much". It is a minor significance feature. In the same way that one can be insecure about having bitch wrists, though the impact it has on your overall frame is minor (and of course you niggers will just latch on to it and act like anyone was claiming it was a dealbreaker).

The guy in your pic has: facial symmetry, gooed proportions, jawline and pronounced chin, hooded brow/eyebrows, a full head of hair. HE EVEN HAS PREDATOR EYES, they are just angled badly so they stand out.
And you're fucking retarded.

This guy looks fucking goofy and it's 100% because of the angle of his eyes

Not nct, you meme-spewing retard. Also big lips isn't a failo and side profile means nothing if you only get photographed from the front

Shut up incel.

God his girlfriend is so hot

Whatever, I meant to address the one of you seriously buying into the lookism bullshit. I hate the defeatist mentality that if you have a few flaws, then it's the end of the world. Most women don't care nearly as much about this bullshit as any of you guys think.
>canthal tilt
shit doesn't matter unless you 're literally missing your eyes
>recessed chin
99% of guys don't have a true recessed chin, they're just too fucking fat to show it
>big lips
is considered extremely attractive to lots of women
doesn't matter like 2/3 of the time as long as you're like an inch taller than the girl and not lacking in other stuff
doesn't matter unless you're actually deformed in the face. everybody knows an ugly (and not rich) motherfucker with a hot girlfriend
most guys start receding in their 20's. just shave it off and lift harder if you're too far gone
>penis size
as long as you don't actually have a micropenis, it doesn't matter. if you get to the point of showing her your cock, then you've already made it. learn to eat pussy

Pic related is that guy's girlfriend btw

Attached: 1586668270148.jpg (1440x1794, 172.28K)

>twitter migrant using le epic PSL terminology thinking he's fooling people

They should make fucking private. I posted a picture there and here of some swedish guy who lost weight and became good looking and 2 hours later I see a twitter post of some faggot named SolBrah posting it on his twitter about how "Lookism BTFO"

I hate this new right. It's like they've forgot everything from the PSL days because they're almost all zoomers who've never even lurked

what is that button she's holding in her hand and what does it do? did she take a picture with it or did she activate a C4 in a market in Karachi?

Anytime i see a fag on this site cry about incels this comes to mind

Attached: 6AB6A24D-5165-48D9-A63C-BED2B48EE25F.jpg (848x860, 74.77K)

>32" waist, M shirt skinnyfat
>6' manlet

Big lips are only bad on a weak jawline

This criminal degenerate nigger is fucking ugly. (massive redundancies, I know)
He only got famous due to kike media.

Probably a remote for the camera to take a picture or something

There's a difference between calling anybody you disagree with an incel (that's reddit tier) and calling someone obsessed about lookism canthal tilt bullshit an incel. Is there a reason you're so triggered, incel? Did I hit too close to home, incel?

Attached: giulia2.jpg (640x480, 73.71K)

I suppose arguing against the Yas Forums faggots who claim that it is over unless you are born with certain characteristics that are unalterable except through sugery is worthy.

Nigger niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers

I bet you have unironically never had sex.

Because it is over reddittourist. Are you enjoying your stay here? You excited for the epic TFW No Gf movie so you want to LARP as le ebin Yas Forums memester?

Color contact wearing thot bitch.

That's not a negative canthal tilt retard. The camera is below looking up and he still has a NCT from this perspective
>big lips
not a negative
>recessed chin
frontal view matters more unless side profile is really fucked up

He has ideal coloring ( golden brown skin + light eyes halo) and is a dark triad high T badboy

This girl has the best body i've seen. They're looksmatched on face (maybe he even better looking, her face is too caked).

Attached: 1318227.jpg (1080x1350, 103.24K)

Take your meds, stupid newfag.

Looking for content to post on your twitter, faggatron?

Did you even respond to the right person?

he just smoked a blunt leave him alone

She still cute but he mog her facially. No women is above 7.5/10 without makeup and their fake shit like contact lenses/hair accessories/photo filters etc.

Yeah I'm responding to the twitterniggers who have been reposting content that I've been making on looksmax and posting here as well

YOu posted that transformation of that swedish guy on your twitter 2 hours after I posted it here and 5 hours after I've posted it on