To all those incels who claim you need to be a god tier chad to even get close to a girl, this is living counter-proof

To all those incels who claim you need to be a god tier chad to even get close to a girl, this is living counter-proof.
>Normal body
>No epic jawline
>"manlet" beard
>No hunter eyes

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They literally cast Gosling because they thought he looked like an average dude btw

>eyes point in two different directions
>left eye higher than right
>open nostrils
>receding hairline
it's like he's photoshopped.

Gosling looks great wtf are you on

Will I enjoy the movie if I never watched the first one?

I'm a straight dude but god damn Gosling was one handsome motherfucker in this

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>posts the movie he looks the faggiest

Yas Forums thinks you need to look like these before a girl even glances at you

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This is now a tinder thread, post em boys

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> implying anyone who starts a sentence with "I'm a straight dude but god damn" isnt a huge closet fag

listen up kids. girls and women like two types of men:
- friendly looking, harmless and ultrasafe femini featured elves like Ryan
- absolute crazy unpredictable and not controlable agressive cold blooded men with I kill you in the eyes.
those are two different types of women, yonger and more stupid tend to pick chads, when they get older they tend to chose Ryans.

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the fuck am I looking at

He looked incredibly jacked and steroidal in Blade Runner 2049.

Goose is a solid 7/10 average looking dude. Of course someone above average would get a decent amount of women. He’s not an Armani model but when you think of an average looking American dude Ryan is who I think of. No homo

That’s what I said when I saw her message

did you put her in a car or something i dont get it

average american is a lot browner and fatter

avarage WHITE american is Ben Foster, and Ryan is above that by a couple of clicks. and the avarage American is brown skinned, black / brown eyed mutt

>when you think of an average looking American dude Ryan is who I think of.

7/10? Nigga wtf you smoking

>the avrige umericam is blllllleeeetttttggghjjkkkll

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Ideally they want chad looking who have the personality charactaristics they think gosling type of guys have.

If this was true ugly people would go extinct

How long do you think a chad will look like a chad? By the time they're 30 they'll look like a regular dude

the only wojak post that made me laugh

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sometimes (sometimes!) men start looking chad when they hit above 35 and even 40+ age. but those are different type of chads. classy ones (think of james bond or some russian oligarch).

not bad, not bad

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>Tfw no smol gf

i hope you get one my friend

im heightist towards woman and want one taller than me

daniel craig young

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