Meanwhile... on bizzaro Yas Forums

>meanwhile... on bizzaro Yas Forums...

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I'm so glad the gyms are closed!

Hey guys, how do I tell my gf that I would like more cuddling after gym seshs?

i lost my virginity today bros! all that hardwork in the gym has finally paid off!

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Cannot believe these f*gg*ts squatting in the curl rack.

So glad no one on this board is a homosexual!

what lifts to look more masculine?
not trans if that matters

Lunar Baboon seems like a great guy

I love niggers

Is this body achievable on steroids?

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And kikes

God I find women attractive.

He looks like he was made for BWC

God I fucking love women


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i did starting strength and I now have a 3 pl8 bench but a 1 pl8 squat!! why do i have chicken legs

All women are QUEENS

Wow this is so cool!

>He fell for the no NOMAD meme
everybody knows girls only care about legs, retard

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I'm so glad bros, before coming here I was a total incel with no chance with women. Now after a couple years of lifting and hard work and dedication I have a gf who loves me for who I am. How are your guy's relationships with your gfs going?

I'm having so much sex, this is awful. Also my hair keeps growing and I'm too tall wtf is up with that. God I wish I was an incel balding manlet instead of a total fucking Chad who won't stop having sex

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How do I get shorter? I'm right at the lanklet cutoff.

I have a gf and am happy with my life haha.

I have plenty of hair!

I support the trans community.

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I'm straight

I'm glad they shut down the gyms, gives me hunger to when they open back up again. I hope it lasts longer.

squat plug? why would I want to have something jammed up my ass when I squat?

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Guys how do I fap? Heard this shit is good for the gainz but can't figure out how to do it.

I'm a man btw, don't know if that matters

Ask mommy she'll know what to do

there are a lot of good resources for getting started on YesFap

check out, it really explains all harmful effects of not jacking it every day

I'm on day 90 and my dick is raw. I've never felt better!

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is protein cardio?

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Guys I sorta have a problem. Girls stare at me when I'm in the gym, like not in a casual way but sorta makes me feel weird. One girl even came up to me and was giving me pointers...then sorta just stood around.

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Mommy has milkers, not weewee, you stupid? How will she help me?

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"jannie" is a slur against our hard-working janitors whom I love and respect

I-I think she... uhhhhh... talks to your peenor?