how big is too big?
How big is too big?
too big is
This is a blue board, user, c'mon.
Do girls like giant tiddy chests like that or do they prefer smaller but conditioned chests better? I think having a giant double D mommy milker chest would be awesome for my own amusement yet I feel like the novelty would wear off very fast
Nigga that's just synthol
Gonna pop like a ballon lmao
oh god i wish i looked like that
juicing is too big
No they prefer a flatter square chest
Nice gyno, fag
its preference really
like thick vs toned or ass vs tits.
If you hide your power level girls will go crazy for it. I was pretty jacked at one point but I always wore sweaters and jeans so it never really showed. My work had a beach day and after wards I had 3 co-workers drunk text me asking to fuck. 2 were in relationships so I just ignored them.
As a rule, women prefer large, flat, square pecs: swimmermode.
who the fuck finds pec titties aesthetic? that shit is disgusting. Pecs are the most overrated muscle there are.
lol reminds me of this dude's eyes
Damn sounds fun. Post pics so I can get an idea of what size I need to attain
So like zyzzs chest, unironically?
i wanna suck on those nip naps so fucking bad brah
Nobody’s workin’ anyhow
Do mods really get paid? lmao
women prefer flat plate-like pecs. When you see images like this, focusing on disproportionate, round, bulging, breast-like pecs, it's 99% of the time a gay fantasy
>fags like big round mounded milk bag like pecs
That just sounds like being straight in a really complicated and gay way
You tell me
it's kind of weird, isn't it. But even if you look at drawn gay porn, mostly western, they consistently give muscular men tits.
Chestlet cope
lmao let's see if the mods are really asleep
>Gay people like tits too.
Is human sexuality just the love of round squishy things or what?
just male sexuality, women of course prefer flatter more proportionate chests
careful there, testies arent supposed to get squished
They are
I’ve noticed this theme the last few days. To test it I posted tranny porn and it didn’t get deleted for like 3 hours.
>too big
no such thing
Mods are dying of COVID-19 because they are oldfag kikes