Was about to break my keto with pizza I ordered

>was about to break my keto with pizza I ordered
>pick up a slice and just before I put a slice in my mouth throw away the whole box
we're all going to make it bros

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I'd rather break keto than throw away a whole box of pizza, you degenerate wasteful human being

Dumb vegan faggot literally eat one slice and put the rest in the fridge. Queer faggot.

>wasting food
neck yourself you fucking idiot
if you can't have a pizza once in a while your meme diet won't work either you fat fuck

>Faggots wasting food and potential gains due to having no foresight
Hop off a bridge tranny


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wow nice waste of money retard. Your keto diet is shit and you won't make it. whatever you told yourself to first get the pizza in the first place is what you're going to tell yourself next time and then youll eat it. HAHA stay obese

kteosis is a meme

You’re the fatty cutting chill out. Good job doing what you feel you had to do to stay on track, but honestly had you just eaten 1-2 slices for the whole day you’d be fine.

>tfw I cut another 10lbs and I’m having a cheat day with like 5 homemade pizzas for a total of 3000 calories. Gonna do an hour of cardio and lift so that I burn 1000 of that and stay within range

>t. Unbased fakkit who condones degeneracy

>tfw lost 30 pounds without a cheat day
20 more and im going to an all you can eat asian buffet

Man Yas Forums has really changed if it tries to enable fat people eating pizza they Crave bought just to save $10

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>he's so fat that he can't even eat a pizza without relapsing

Nufit is full of suyboys and simps who believe CICO and calisthenics work

>Keto diet
Enjoy your kidneystones, increased cancer risk, feeling like shit and baldness

Veganism is less retarded than that shit

>this thread

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I just ate 6 tacos

based gonna make chicken tacos tomorrow
high protein low fat max. deliciousness

>not eating carbs gives you kidneystones, increases cancer risk and causes baldness

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good man. time for the gains

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Ask me how I know you're a newfag


>tfw everytime girls look at some of my older pictures on my instagram they ask if thats really me

Alright newfag post your My Fitness Pal

yes because you really need an app to get big, when historically probably the biggest men to ever do it couldnt even hold a cell phone in their massive veiny hands

My point exactly, So you do use CICO

this also op is a gay homosexual

I've been here since supermong and OCB. CICO has always been Yas Forums's preferred method of weight loss. Calisthenics is gay as fuck though. Bodyweight exercises were for beginners who couldn't lift the bar. Fucking faggots.

Dude don’t even respond to that why the fuck would you? lol just look at the facts of his post:
>uses the word simp (underage and never had a gf)
>legit thinks cico doesn’t work
>believes the only way to lose fat is by keto (which is just cico, so here we have proof he is a moron and a dyel who knows nothing about health or basic biology purely by this example of his lack of common sense)
>thinks calisthenics doesn’t do anything (he’s half right here but I’m not giving it to him)

Just ignore these ex Yas Forums posters

Fucking wasteful prick, you don't throw away food, you turn it into muscle, carb cycle. You're like a faggot bulimic with an eating disorder. Man, especially when there's people going hungry right now. You could have put an ad on Craigslist and I guarantee someone would have picked it up. Sort your shit out man, you aren't going to make it pulling stunts like that. You're gonna wind up relapsing because clearly you're having problems with impulse control that are negatively impacting your behavior.

Im retarded I meant to post IIFYM instead of CICO in my post about nufit

CICO absolutely does work, IIFYM is the meme (it werks but your health suffers)

>burn 1000 calories with lifting and an hour of cardio
fuckin kekked