Give me a routine that will get me this

give me a routine that will get me this.

Attached: download (3).jpg (1280x720, 62.42K)

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roids+brosplit 2.5 hours 5 days/week

please no "just juice bro" comments i want to do this naturally

this x 1.5 years

>I want to do this naturally
literally impossible if you aren't extremely genetically gifted and haven't been weightlifting since your teens.

that depends on how gay he is user

did any of his private sex tapes with kristina leak yet?

Okay seriously what would people actually think if you did look like this? What are the benefits of getting to this level? What are the tiers below this one like? I need to know

False, you’ve been brainwashed by memes. You don’t know anything about what can and can’t be done natty.



>False, you’ve been brainwashed by memes. You don’t know anything about what can and can’t be done natty

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there is no routine to be 6'5 with wide clavicles

Try and find physiques like this before the steroid era of the 60s. You just won't. You'll still be impressive if you try, though.

You're welcome

You wouldn't have the willpower, mostly because of your testosterone. If you want that physique, you will need to increase your test naturally, but I doubt you won't give in to fapping at one point, to keep that physique you need to get the juices flowing day and night lol

No, they are just being realistic

>i want to do this naturally
Won't work.

>Okay seriously what would people actually think if you did look like this?
>"Steroid pusher with no life, steer clear."

>5 seconds of searching later

Attached: 953194C3-A195-44B6-AF95-0890548AD4F0.jpg (354x540, 24.55K)

>muh nofap will give you roid tier results


>harsh downlighting
>pump, pose, and flex
>angle hips to hide wide hips
GG he's like 185lbs at 12%bf. the 200+ figures come from when he was weightfrauding, there are records of him being measured at well under 200 when he was relatively lean and physically active. he MAY have been 200+ at some point, but there were also periods of time when he got thicc and lost his cuts

You're aware that the guy in OP's pic is considerably bigger right? And I mean mostly in mass aside from being taller as well

here's a pic of him when he was at ~200, clearly at or slightly above 20% bodyfat

Attached: hack.jpg (300x450, 16.75K)

>Shorter and skinnier by a longshot
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Just workout as hard as you can and eat as clean as you can. That's as good as it'll get.

Attached: hm?.jpg (597x559, 21.12K)

nice abs

Attached: DF20AB8B-D400-4EB2-9F92-12243F66D765.jpg (828x544, 460.9K)

ICF 2.0 until beginner gains are maxxed.
Upper/lower for a while, start using gear here.
Then a bodypart split, or Push Pull.

>heh you guys being realistic means you're weak

>its totally natural bruh dyel?

Attached: jaret_campisi.jpg (550x550, 78.24K)

God I hate the fitness industry so much. Op, I’m really sorry, but it’s iimpossible without steroids. It’s very cruel but that’s just the cold hard truth and we all have to accept this eventually. Like look at this body, I want this body so fucking bad more than anything in the world but I can’t bring myself to roid. It really sucks, even peak zyzz isn’t achievable natty. I’m sorry op, that’s just how it is in this bitch of an earth.

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I'm fully on board with not fapping and watching porn but if you really think not fapping is going to boost your test by more than even 10 % which is already crazy you are delusional

You can still attain a body that looks like this, it will just be a smaller version not as dense, which is still going to be very impressive.. its okay bro

Yup both you are right.
The smaller version of that dude is my goal and very attainable.
It fucking SUCKS that he can just eat like shit and keep that physique tho