Lung day

imagine not training your lungs and being a lunglet in the age of corona

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>in b4 bloatlord cope

>running with anything in hands
>closed fist
>jockstrap on face
I shiggy diggy

>if I fuck up my breathing it'll totally make me run better!
why do people do this, go to fuckin Denver or the mountains if you wanna do real high altitude training

because they don't live in denver or near mountains you fucking retard

Its called a diaphragm you fucking retard

Just imagine thinking that covering your face will increase red blood cell production

imagine thinking limiting access to oxygen will increase your bodies ability to function with less oxygen

It’s called cardio not “lung day” retard

lol i just do fat bong rips
best lung workout ever

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What's even the elevation equivalent of these things? Like, how many feet above sea level would you have to be to get a similar effect as using one of these?

sadly there's some truth to this

Imagine worrying about Corona

Imagine thinking that breathing in CO2 for your measly one mile "run" is good for you and will have any lasting improvements/benefits on your overall fitness
I bet you jawzrsize (ballgag) underneath your mask too
the state of this board

Imagine all the people...
Bitching on this board.. YOO HOO ooh ooh oooohhhhh

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zero. they do not accomplish what they advertise: increasing red blood cell count. they make it harder to breath because you're restricting oxygen to your body and breathing in carbon dioxide that is trapped in the mask. harder =/= better. you need to actually live at altitude (or have the money to modify your house/bedroom to have less oxygen) to have the benefits

every day is lung day for the obese

Altitude hypoxia is more similar to ordinary one than you think... Personally i believe even this could have similar effects... minute though... t. Medfag
Would not reccomend anyone to do this though you lose at least 20% performance and strain your heart more..if you have an unknown birth flaw you could drop dead like a coconut from a palm

I was just wondering. Luckily for me I live in a town with an elevation over 6000 feet above sea level. I was just wondering if I would get the same benefit as I do from living here by wearing one when I travel out of town.

>smart watch
>still carrying phone
>heel striking

Is this considered a good body?

How do I lower my heart rate like pic related

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>Would not reccomend anyone to do this though you lose at least 20% performance and strain your heart more
winner winner chicken dinner

How long would it take to achieve this level of mass? Picrelated is my current body

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Spend like $300 dollars on a garmin.

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Why the fuck is your heart rate so high?
And I'm talking about Getting it as low as the original guy who posted that photo.
Apparently those two days he spiked were days that he overdosed on Adderall

I used that exact watch to cheat in land nav in the Army. It uses actual GPS so it would get me inches within all of my points.

Resting heart rate is largely genetic and varies wildly from person to person by like 70bpm.

A resting heart rate of 80-90 isn't indicative of poor health or risk for cardiac events by itself and some people never go below 60 even while asleep.

Ehh I've heard different.
No one looks at 100bpm as healthy

Its a sweet watch, I'm satisfied with it.

Previously I had owned an Iron man watch with a chest band, a Microsoft fit, and a Samsung fit pro 2 which I ended up returning because it was uncomfortable.

Doctors have had to revise the guidelines in the last few years because half of the fucking population has a resting heartrate of like 90.

As long as it doesn't suddenly jump 10 points and stays relatively stable, its healthy.

Got into running. 3 weeks later knees ruined t-thanks.

yea its called brain damage

dyel-twink cope

All these posters are confirmed niggers:
Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself Lynch yourself

Good physique, but why is he wearing a jockstrap on his face?