Are farmer's walks worth it or are they just a bad meme?

Are farmer's walks worth it or are they just a bad meme?

Attached: Farmers+Walk+-+Brian+Tabor.jpg (1500x1174, 331.36K)

Worth it if you go heavy. Bodyweight in each hand and up.

Super worth it. Best forearm/group trainer imo. You get nice mass doing them regularly.

Make sure to do pinch grip on some plates as well as crush grip, you need to work both. I found shrugs gave me the same sort of workout as walking around with dumbells.

Thanks for the tip, I will definitely keep that in mind

Make sure you do one arm at a time, otherwise you're basically just training your grip.

Only if one side

Based /single side/ guys

lmao just go buy groceries bro

> I ain't no 2 trip bitch

Based /single trip/ guys

Based /basing guys/ guys

Go to a deep hill
Start from bottom
Chop some wood
Carry up the hill
Build a beach on to of hill

I suspect the opposite is more true

Obviously you should go heavy occasionally if you program them, but Farmers walks should generally be lighter and extended, developing the traps.

You really shouldn't discount even a 15 or 20 minute farmer's walk, as long as intensity is adjusted such that you are very near failure by this time. The effect on the traps is huge.

>Farmers walks should generally be lighter and extended, developing the traps.


It's true bro

Lots of the WSM strongmen train with lighter, longer term Farmers walks

And yes I love traps

I tried Farmer Walks once before. It definitely worked my forearms, I got some nice soreness in them.
But the question is: do you even need to work out your forearms? You use them in every upper body exercise

You are commiting cultural appropriation if you do farmer's walks without being a farmer

On Athlean X, Farmer Walks are part of a forearm workout and you're supposed to do them heavy for 60 seconds at a time.

Strong men lifting light uuhhh sure their farming walking their body weight in each hand i don't think that's light

never do this, it makes you shorter

did you know, there are people that pay to have to use a barbell and some bumpers to clean. imagine not getting paid 10 cents a bale to clean and jerk hay bales onto/off a trailer and then stack them 30+ feet high
tfw when getting paid to lift, tan, and flirt with the farmer's daughter when she brings you lemonade

I miss these days.

any proof for this?

How do farmer's walks compare to hiking with a weighted backpack? Is one better than the other?

Helps your grip strength and gives you meaty forearms brah

yeah I know that, I just am wondering if hiking with a weighted backpack is comparable , better , or worse.

the whole point of farmers walks is that the weight is supported by your grip/traps. with a weighted vest/backpack the weight is all on your back/legs. you could do farmers walks with a backpack on for more leg work, or you could just farmers walk with heavier weight. However, if you want even more weight on your legs and your grip is bottlenecking you then you can throw on a backpack too.

makes sense, ty user

>fucking twink zoomers
>kaz...., kaz was a good strongman

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>Yep, I used to be able to do this all day back in my prime.

>15 or 20 minute farmer's walk,
what the fuck