im currently around 185lbs on 5'11 and have been cutting for two weeks now. i have been doing intense cardio + TMAD + 16/8. i want to be super lean by july. im wondering when i should switch to OMAD (24 hour fast) without risking losing too much fat too fast. 175lbs?

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you should switch to OMAD immediately and do that for the rest of your life

why does coffee seem to "hit" me more than sips. not the sugar filled one but like a bang?

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This image governs me

at what body fat % do you generally get abs? i realize some people have fuckhuge abs that protrude alot but i'm talking normal people here

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if you treat the abs like any other body part your life will improve tremendously. You have to build them/grow them/ get them stronger. So to start seeing definition anywhere you gotta get down below 15%

I want biceps theres no biceps in my stength training program

High reps of low weight or few reps of high weight? And sets?

Just do a pump set of curls after your regular workout.

Well obviously you know that the sugary ones will lower cortisol.

It's probably just more caffeine.

If you know the caffeine amounts are the same, well, that's an interesting question. Heat? Acidity = faster absorption in the stomach?

I'm a coffee lover and I feel the same way, nothing but Vyvanse can touch coffee euphoria.

Best way to train calves? I did standing calf raises for a couple months and felt the burn but never saw any size improvement.

I took 4 days off lifting because I was traveling for work meetings.

I got fucking hammered drunk one if those nights and I messaged my neighbors wife on Facebook that I thought she was beautiful and asked if she wanted to go for a jog with me sometime. I fucking woke up the next day and shit a brick when I realized what I did.

How do I fix this bros? She hasn't responded yet and idk what to do

Send help

entered snap city via shit form deadlift, sciatica and or some disc herniation. how many leg days am i gonna have to lay off?

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farmers walks, stairs

I'm mainly runnings stairs for my leg workouts, should I be doing other things such as pistol squats? I was doing them before but having a hard time keeping my knees behind my toes

what's the deal with power cleans, is it all technique? How do I get my delts under the barbell?

At the bottom of a squat as I push up it feels like something in my gut is going to pop. Am I ok?

>it feels like something in my gut is going to pop. Am I ok?

i'm no expert, but are you hopefully wearing a belt?

Depends how much you like your neighbor, but so far you seem to have decent morals. Best thing to do is own up to it and probably remove any form of communication with her so it doesn't happen in the future. if she reciprocates....then game on

Im a noob that would he cringe or so i was told

Im guessing you're stressed because you don't run and don't wanna look like a pussy in front or her when you're gassed in 5 mins. Tell her you're kinda busy right now and take 1-2 weeks doing nothing but sprints like every other day. You can go from a few minutes to a solid 20-30 minute run with jogging noob gains

I was recently medically discharged from the military and I am now sedentary aside from working as a tradesman. What are you thoughts on yoga as a primary means of exercise? I have been looking at Yoga With Adrienne, unless there are better suggestions.

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If you are hurt then stretching and moderate activity is fine. But yoga is going to build up strength and endurance much slower, if at all (i don't know your program) than even normal calisthenics.

The reasonable thing to do here is move state/country under a false name and watch your back until the end of your days

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What are the best mass gaining exercises without a barbell?
I was thinking kettlebell swings farmers walks, push ups, and pull ups? Not sure

don't be a faggot with an ego. wear a belt. all the professionals do it

squats are honestly even more dangerous than deadlifts are

If you want to look like Adrienne, I guess.

planning to go "0"/low carb in addition to the CICO (

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What’s the best thing I can be doing that will carry over to deadlift once I can get a hold of a barbell? All I have are dumbbells up to 35. I’ve been using the time to focus on push-up capacity.

i only have enough plates to go from 15lbs to 25lbs on each side for lifts. i was able to do the jump on bench, squat and deadlift but i cant for ohp. what can i do? stay at 15 till i can get 5lb plates?

Thoughts on these? Supposedly they have the ability to boost natural test levels and maintain healthy glucose levels after a few weeks. Ive already started taking them and have a sweet scent through my pores.

Any personal experience appreciated

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If you’re buying sups you best at least already be doing cold showers since it’s hot as fuck now anyway

Did you read SS?

Seems like you need to work on bracing. As another user said, use a belt. And check your form.

A lot. Sorry bud. See a doc / PT ASAP

Weighted calisthenics and kettlebell shit.

Back extensions probably. Weighted pull ups / chins for upper back but the carry over is minimal imo.


Add reps and maybe another set for now. Keep testing to see if you can make the jump. Can you get it moving at all?

Not where I am but yeah generally after a work out

Thanks for replying user