Why does Yas Forums use imperial?
Why does Yas Forums use imperial?
bc i live in america?
you are adopted and your mother is a whore
stop doing that
The only thing Canada uses metric for are Gov documents, kms, and outside temperature. And boomers still use miles and farenheit.
i like it here. There is a lot of different kind of food. Idc about movies or the economy i like flavored energy drinks and deep fried pizza
Because the retard Americans cant workout metric so we all need to dumb down so they understand.
I have spent my entire life in the sciences and so I was raised on metric for almost everything. Not every amerifart is too dumb to use a given unit. At the end of the day it is literally just a unit, if a person cannot easily switch between different measurement units they might actually be retarded
Literally the best 2 countries in the world.
In my school our teachers teach us both metric and imperial; metric because that’s what we usually use in my country and imperial because the greatest minds in maths and physics used imperial
Liberia and Myanmar never landed on the moon.
Fuck ameriretards
Prove it.
Putting everything on your sight between two breads doesn't make your gastronomy rich.
Because my ancestors did. You will never understand, Imperial
>Fuck ameriretards
ya' avin a laff m8?
Post salary
>Literally one of the best countries in the world
you gotta choose one
Canada uses mixed, not sure why it's blue in that image. I've never heard a person measure weight in kg or stone in my life, always been lbs. Height is feet and inches. Flooring in houses measured in square feet. Metric mostly just for science/engineering.
Why do you think?
i think its for official purposes?
gas is in liters tho
It's not one of, it IS the best
I'm American but I use both
not because I'm trying to impress the brits or foreigners, but because I'm retarded and it's easier to figure out how many meters in a kilometer than it is to find feet in a mile
plus it's couch to 4k not couch to 3.4m (probably got the fucking conversion wrong again, doing this off of memory), almost got lazy and just did couch to 4 miles, but then I had to figure out a run that would make 4miles, so I had to learn to convert feet to miles, and one mile was some fucking 1069 feet or some shit, so I switched the Google map to meters, and one km was like 2000 meters.
whatever, all I know is to complete 4k, all I need to do is run my neighborhood 3 times.
Because anglos rule the world.
Although Britain goes even more dumb because they mix it up. The fuck.
Fuck I wish they would just make a judge dredd TV show already. The movies are cool but they could do so much with an episodic format.
>mfw literally every single state - including that shithole mississippi - has a higher gdp per capita than the UK and the EU average
Why is the rest of the world so poor?
>not evaluating distance in barbell-lengths
Do you even
thats what happens when you deregulate everything and dont get access to healthcare.
that's just like your opinion man
Some countries manage to barely meet shithole standards in the US (Mississippi), at least the last time I checked.
>he can't convert a barbells length to number of squat plugs out of habit
>needing an entire continent to beat one country
Just how the US uses metric for most science-related things. For everyday, the measurement system choice is largely irrelevant, as long as the measuring tools are standardized.
>btw, EU GDP > USA GDP
This is incorrect. Please educate yourself.
In the UK here we couldn't make our minds up. You'll have measurements for both.
I prefer using Imperial but im guilty of using kilos instead of lbs because our Euro weights come in that standard. I use grams until theyre heavy enough to be ounces...full of contradictions
And ironically, Mississippi is how it is because of the blacks.
now compare the # of people living in the US and living in Europe, you dingdong.
Not only that, our mean disposable income is the highest in the world, even with blacks and hispanics bringing the average way down. Median we're top 3? as well.
This comes back to my point that the system is largely irrelevant as long as the measurement tools are standardized. The rationality of metric has no real bearing when you can just as easily conceptualize things in another human-scale system.
nasa uses metric nyuggah
Most all of us in STEM use metric. Conversion with large numbers of calculations becomes easier as does converting between pressures, forces, energies, etc.
I think we can all agree mixed is fucking retarded
That's not true
>mfw the quality of my healthcare is better than yours
the USA is one continent you mong
Mixed masterrace reporting in
user, I....
>the USA is one continent
gypsy education on full display