6'2" David Horne with Eddie Hall (6'3" according to himself).
Manlet lies debunked
Other urls found in this thread:
Charles Barkley 6'4" with The Rock 6'5" acc to google.
>David Horne confirmed 6'1, taller than Eddie "the pebble" hall
No comment here.
Good thread lmao
It's an American thing, they are obsessed with physical dimensions.
Fucking LMAO
Shane Carwin 6'5"! He's so stocky. Who would fall for that?
Even better they just added 2" on everyone in the NBA lmao fucking Americans.
6' vs 6'1", yeah nah.
Angle has gotten shorter as he's aged because of fused vertebrae in his spine. Same with Hulk Hogan, he's almost 5" shorter now than in the 1980s from all the back surgeries
hey whats up lads
We all know Eddie is actually like 6'1'' at most.
wtf its insane how much people height fraud i understand rounding up but adding inches is retarded.
is that job hogman?
No that’s Bro Rogain
Eddie is barefoot in that pic
just check celebheights to get beyond heightfrauding
some examples:
>Nick bateman: claims 6'4", is 6'2"
>dwayne johnson: claims 6'5", is 6'2"
>Jeff Seid: claims 6', is 5'9.75"
>Brock O'Hurn: Claims 6'7", is 6'5.25"
>Hafthor: Claims 6'9", is 6'7.75"
The Rock is like 6'2 at most, it has been debunked since forever. Look at him next to Vin Diesel. Practically the same height and Vin is barely 6'0.
Hafthor isn't a significant difference, especially considering throughout the day your spine contracts by 1-2 inches.
Vin Diesel is about 5 11 and the Rock about 6 1
Hysterical. I always thought the dude was 6’5”. I guess even the rock height frauds and copes
Just bad posture
yeah thats me, Bro Jogan!
To be fair to eddie , people with long spines lose height through out the day , i lose about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch from waking up Till going to bed. Gets worse the heavier you are.
Why do they do this fagottry? Just kiss then, douchebags.
Generate hype and photoshoots for the stupid peasants who watch that shit
Maybe 2”...nobody loses 5” without amputation
Cruz is only 5’8”...wow, that makes him even more slappable.
WWE is known for padding wrestler numbers to make em sound bigger than they are. Might not been his decision but his manager or higher ups.