Just got done doing a THREE HOUR CHESTWORKOUT Yas Forums hbu?

just got done doing a THREE HOUR CHESTWORKOUT Yas Forums hbu?

Attached: chestworkout.png (541x949, 993.83K)

I know this picture lmao where is this from

I Just got done playing the Witcher for 4 hours and now I'm going to sleep

>there are seriously people on Yas Forums who’ve never had a workout last 3 hours
>even on a cut

I think from a transition compilation.

one of the last dozen or so threads OP made

>look like this
>become tranny

me on the right

Weightlifting can attract extremely mentally ill narcissists. What gets more attention from everybody being swole or chopping benis off and wearing wig

she still got a dick pal

anaerobic excersise shouldnt last more than an hour

Attached: hit.png (320x428, 198.03K)

Nah they figured it out in I remember it being an androgynous guy can someone post the 2nd pic?

There's literally nothing wrong with being trans

if you look good yes

they are mentally ill, and they try to fix it with hormone pills, crossdressing and by mutilating themselves

Are you just going to spam this picture every day? I hate these fucking r9k tranny spammers.

>2 hour muscle group full of supersets, burnouts, kipping
>half hour of HIIT
>half hour of abs
there you go dumbass

There's everything wrong with it.

Most trannies show heavy symptoms of autism or narcissism, they're all heavily fetishistic and sexually perverse, they make a mockery of basic facts and humanity.

All trannies should be curb stomped.
This is the coomer answer.

>retarded idea
>decent idea
>retarded idea
wow btfo

I look equally cute and sometimes I dress up as a girl with a wig and all and troom all over myself, I love it, I'm gonna suck a cock soon dressed like a girl.

I don't care I just want to ram up some fucking tranny up their ass while slapping them

this, high volume fags are irrational and childish

>b-but more is better!

Attached: volumetraining.png (810x839, 47.95K)

high volume low weights builds up visible muscles better, lifting gorillion pounds like a fatass just makes you a powershitter
progressive overload + high volume/low weights = visible, proper gains
I workout with dumbbells and I do 10 sets of 12 reps per major muscle group

you know what to do...

Ask me how I know you're dyel.

post body with timestamp

>high volume low weights builds up visible muscles better
This is not supported by research, Batman

>post body
post body
>post body
post body

Why the fuck would a workout take 3 hours? If you're taking more than 1 hour you're just fucking around and wasting time.

Memes aside though this guy probably didnt workout for that long, a lot of guys seem to lie and exaggerate how long their workouts last

>half hour of abs


damn, what a chad. I hope he doesn't turn into a trap

ok faggots, I'll post it

Attached: 1587622806087.jpg (3464x3464, 749.27K)

would you?????

>good genes
>only achieves DYEL at best
>becomes the inferior gender
what a waste

Attached: 1578853048097.jpg (1124x1098, 130.24K)

I'd fuck him before and after

Before or after?

both of them

gotta get those titty isolations in