Lets get an actual decent thread going, foods can be for bulking, cutting or just general health. I'll start:
Liver, per 100 grams:
>360% vit A
>26g of protein
>120% cholesterol (makes test)
>100% iron
>300% B vitamins
>fucking delicious
>1% carbs (BAD)
>shit tonnes of other nutrients I just cbf to name them all
>can be considered the only true "superfood"
Just dont eat it more than twice a week or you'll overdose on vitamin A
God tier fitness foods
I've never had or seen somebody with vitamin A toxicity. I've been taking 10000 mcg every day to see if it would fix my back acne and no I haven't had "vitamin A toxicity." Isn't it just throwing up too? I throw up if I take a zinc tab on an empty stomach.
For cutting: Tesco water biscuit
>65p for 1 packet of probably like 20
>about 1 calorie per biscuit
>basically no other macro or micro nutritional qualities whatsoever (this is a good thing)
>filling enough to keep you going if you're cutting and have like 3
>taste good, eat with houmous
When some group of explorers went to Antarctica like 80 years ago they ran out of food and had to eat their dogs, they ate the livers of the dogs because why wouldn't you? All of them got hypervitaminosis A, cant remember if any of them died though.
All vitamins are toxic in extremely high doses
user...it's 22 kcals a biscuit
Raw milk NO WATER
Greek yogurt
..Or any fermented dairy products: to understand why this food is so healthy I suggest you research the importance of the gut microbiome. Gut microbiota plays an important role in the bidirectional communication between the gut and the central nervous system, and can influence the brain function via neuroimmune and neuroendocrine pathways. Healthy gut microbiome has been shown to help
>hormonal imbalances
>uptake of nutrients from gut/intestine
>even healthier babies in pregnant women
>contains protein
>also tastes fucking good on cereal
Whatever still less than 1% of your daily calories
that treatment cannot be taken for years. Your liver stores extra vitamin A every day. Your doctor should even have asked you if you already took something with vitamin A, because your liver stores it for a very long time and you can get vitamin A poisoning. In fact skin treatment is using one of the earliest effects of chronic vitamin A poisoning.
I usually blend it with some water, turmeric, lime, cumin and cilantro and drink it after my meals.
It helps with digestion and tastes heavenly.
>over 2200 kcal a day.
Wtf kind of cut is that nigger?
The only other case I can think of is some dude eating shark liver which is incredibly high in mercury. So one case is some dudes dying from frostbite and the other is mercury poisoning. Also according to scientists inuits should all be dead but they've only started getting health issues when faggots started giving them chips, beers and shit.
>yeah bro on a cut you don’t want to have any protein to retain your muscles just go full auschwitz mode and lose all your gains
>going keto for a cut is dumb just eat biscuits
Violet Crumble.
It doesn't really use violets, though.
A slow one, 600 kcal deficit
Yeah that's obviously exactly what I meant you spastic.
Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby or were you just born retarded?
simple as
How short and sedentary are you? I maintain at 3500 calories and cut at 3k, it's suffering having to eat 4k to bulk
I’ll drop you on your head stupid biscuit eating twink
>carbs (BAD)
>cottage cheese
>parmesan cheese
>flax seeds
the most important thing about your diet is:
1. avoid processed foods
2. eat a diverse diet
You’re like the inverted. Version of a fat person lying about eating less calories than they really do.
how is parmesan cheese good for you? always though that hard cheeses were pretty bad for your stomach/digestion
that must be why there were no overweight people before processed foods
Liver does rock. It's actually easy to make too: just soak the liver in lemon juice for 15 minutes, then cut the liver into thin strips, cut an onion into very long thin straps, fry them in a pan with butter, garlic, salt, pepper, and a shit ton of paprika. A+ tasty
i like to soak it in milk for a few hours, removes almost all bitterness
You probably couldn't reach, only a manlet or an anorexic would think 2200 calories a day is lot for a cut
Milk steak?
If you want to snack on something, eat plain popcorn with no salt
haha yea
Don't you die a bit if you get too much but A?
yea too much can kill you through extreme intercranial pressure
the people i live with would probably call the mental hospital if they found out i was soaking a liver in milk in the kitchen. does it matter what kind of milk you use? does the liver get a slightly milky taste?
There's no evidence of vitamin A overdose from food. Only supplements.
In general high quality free range animal foods are the best things to eat, with plants and processed foods among the worst things to eat.
Try the lemon juice sometime. It cuts the iron taste and adds a little tart.
Liver has a very bloody taste, unlike muscle meats, so soaking it in something balances the taste by cutting some of the iron taste of blood. It doesn't really taste like milk after you do this.
>not poor
>not bulking
Is there any other reason to eat rice?
I like it but I don't want to eat things that just add more calories for nothing.