"just lose weight, bro"

>"just lose weight, bro"

Attached: Screenshot_20200423-171041(1).png (1042x1456, 1.72M)

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He looks good. Still jewey and limp wristed, but a lot better than before.


Way better than the fat slob he was.

>just don’t be a jew bro

>loses fat
>don't get any notable roles anymore
he just lost dollar pounds

He looks like a junkie in nice clothes

mirin shoes
a pair of those lasted me about 7 years of squats and diddlies

He looks like a loser, fucking hate Jonah Hill. The worst most undeserving people get the best lives and then waste them by becoming druggies

how long til he's fat again? or is this an old pic

Go sell your ass to Hollywood if you want to live that lifestyle.

he looks like a meth whore

Most jews do. Bob dylan was played by a woman like peter fucking pan

Damn that French cunt really got to him?

you have to be a jew or (and) phedo, to begine with

he was better fat

That’s why you’re supposed to LIFT

the head looks photoshopped on

you do realize that the point is to compare yourself to yourself? He looks infinitely better than he used to. Of course he will never be more than a 4/10 but that is way better than 1/10.

Imagine the folds of loose skin under that shirt. Gross. Yeah, he's probably rich enough to get plastic surgery to remove it, but he strikes me as the type of pussy to be too scared to go under the knife. Also even if he does, he has gross scars from the surgery. YUCK!

The Mythbuster guy has always been that weight

If he wore clothes that actually fit and didn't have a shit hair cut he would look just fine

he looks way, way better

Went from a 3 to a 6. If he got rid of that neckbeard and got himself a nice modern haircut he could easily be a 7.

Attached: jonahba.jpg (1200x900, 154.86K)

Isn't this really old? He has way more tattoos now and got chonk again

>He looks like a junkie in nice clothes
That's what you get when you don't have access to a pro stylist.

He's not a 6, not with that bf%.

Attached: 1579800104813.jpg (4050x6550, 2.75M)

All jews will hang

I like the idea of this chart, but the execution is so fucking shitty.

he looks better
back in the crab bucket gainz goblin

So strange that they wouldn't still hire him, its not like he got less funny.
Hes just not fat.

He pretty much ruined his acting career as well.

that's not a 6 but he wasn't a 3 in the first place

poor lad finally sorting it out

Cheech is NOT a 1.5.

Attached: 768134274-cheech-and-chong.jpg (440x590, 66.3K)