What are your guys’s home workout routines and frequency? I have a pull up bar, 2x 30lb dumbells, a 35 plate with a dip belt and a resistance band. I’m looking for a routine to incorporate upper body 3x a week and lower 2x a week
Home exercises
Help pls
bumping for interest.
I just built a pull up bar in by back yard, I did 5 reps x sets to failure. Then I was hurting for a few days so I didn't do anything. But now that I'm ready to go again, I found that a wild cottontail rabbit has made a nest under the pull-up bar and has little baby bunnies that she's nursing.
Im just running cardio shit with a trainer. I am not fit at all so Im just getting killed by the end of workouts, but thats good i guess
look up Armstrong Pullup Program, it incorporates a n reps x sets to failure scheme
Ask her if she'd rather have something from row D
I work out 3 to 4 times a week, every other day basically.
I guess you could do ULULUxx. Were you asking for exercises or routine ideas?
This, responding in any other way would be a crime and a waste
Check out Charles bronson’s book solitary fitness
ive seen this snack machine shit a bunch lately. fuck woman are annoying to talk to
it has some good ideas but also full of crap and broscience.
Bro just enjoy it and fuck it’s nothing serious lol
Perfect response
OP digits and you respond with
>D9 ;)
Snack on deez nutz
Dubs and you reply "and I think your face looks pretty cumsplattable LOL"
Do grease the groove. It's much better since the overall volume will probably be higher than going to failure like you're doing now. You can do tons of sets now that you're home but go well beneath your max. Your body adapts to the higher volume. I'm doing it for BTN press.
"You're not wrong, but I doubt you could afford me ;)"
W E W black girls DO like med BVLSS
Whats a good substitute for a bench? I have no benvhes in my house and flies hurt my shoulder blades on everything ive tried
you've never touched a woman in your life
She's a bot
What does fit think about combining this with other bodyweight workouts?
Chest, legs, core for example
Not trying to hikack this thread but can someone please spare a minute to help me with something?
I’ve recently started going out with this tall Amazonian goddess (blond hair) and she’s into sports/fitness health the whole kitchen kaboodle.
Now my concern lies with her brother, we were watching tv yesterday when he turned and asked me what was w the guy in my?
I just couldn’t answer him because I’m not sure how I want this relationship but I’m hoping it could lead somewhere otherwise I I’m I’ll see if you want it to me and then go get some something it will help take you.u
Anyone ever been in the same boat? I’m just too scared for them I to and I just don’t can’t get.
I really like her but I’m under stress from work and possibly moving countries so it might be cruel for a long distance, especially if there’s kids involved.
based stroke poster