Never lifted a single weight

>never lifted a single weight
>never stepped foot in a gym
>never bothering learning about close quarters combat
>practiced shooting on cod
>clears out an entire camp full of literally 100s of people and armed guards all by himself

tell me what is the point of lifting, when guns and bombs do all the work for you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This MK Ultra patsy convinced the entire European continent that suicide is a good idea

reminder that this guy could beat any powerlifter in a fight

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post physique, 1
health benefits of lifting, 2
you get a halo effect from having muscle, 3
people will actually respect you, 4
being a fat piece of shit makes people dislike you, 5
you'll never be in the military, 6
being physically fit lets you feel and look better, 7

now fuck off and go back to r9k

fire + arms were literally made by manlet incels in china who got sick of mongol chads mogging them.

>he doesn't have guns and gains
DYELs are worse than noguns.


Is there something more cringe than subhumans LARPing as Nazis?

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>Is there something more cringe than subhumans LARPing as Nazis?
Yeah this

>What’s the point.
You’re looking the problem completely wrong. Set up a model in your head of two people which are going to fight. They both are male, equally fit and have equal amounts of experience fighting. Now imagine they fought 1000 times. You would assume that each win roughly 500 times. Now make one stronger than the other, you shouldn’t assume that one would win all 1000 times. Maybe 900 times. That’s because strength, experience all raise relative probability to win a fight. Just because this dude was not super fit is irrelevant, fitness would have simply made him more prepared.

>weight classes in ufc exist for no reason
Yeah sure he might have a ton of experience but arguing that he has a probability of 1 to win against bigger guys is simply wrong.

He never faced any armed guards you retard. There was only unarmed teens and children on that island.

>Believing the MSM account at face value
I'd sooner smoke a mystery pipe given to me by a hobo desu

>armed guards
there were no armed guards lmao, and the 100's of people were unarmed 15 year olds. besides, he was a patsy and the real shooter was a black ops operator and the whole thing was bullshit.

there are no armed guards anywhere in norway you retard

Shut up phoneposter

Weight classes exist for fighters because they have a similar skill level. Then, and only then, does size matter. Otherwise, skill >>>>>>> size.

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Yeah bro it’s nine in the morning I’m still comfy in bed. Not gonna fire up my fucking tower to destroy your dumbass argument. Fuck off.

Why are you so obsessed with murdering people, are you mentally ill? I lift to Berlin healthy, look good and because its fun, not to kill someone.

>shot up a bunch of kids in summer camp

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Not what I'm referring to you retard

Many immature insecure egomaniacs on here. They're so obsessed with being a bad ass that they would goto jail for 20 years or die just to prove they're a "tough guy" by training to fight and getting into street fights and dying/becoming a vegetable and or fucking up someone else and going to jail for 20 years....but they were totally not a pussy guys.

>posts a single sample as proof of an entire model
I prefer supporting my arguments with relevant data sizes. Really simple google search.

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I don't get htis stupid shit threads. You spend your life practicing to lift and get strong and then you're surprised you don't know how to fight. Rugby cunts are hard as coffin nails but I'm stronger than them but that doesn't make me good at a game of rugby

there were no armed guards wtf are you talking about
and the people he shot were mostly skinny teenagers

What is this supposed to prove, retard? MMA fighters are trained. We're talking about an untrained big guy vs a trained smaller guy. A 155lbs UFC fighter would rip apart Larry Wheels.

No OP, but planning to murder someone and being prepared to fight are two different things. If you’re an adult man you are responsible for your own health and if you have a family they will look to you for protection too. Literally no reason to not maximize the probability of you winning a fight.

*Skinny nigger and arab teenages

Also, this absolute chad blew the norwegian parliment into smithereens

What the fuck happened to Europe to turn them into such a bunch of cowardly pussies.

Don't say WWII because Russians are still essentially sane, relatively speaking anyway lol

>expects a punch
>gets a kick to the head
>immediately goes down
>dies probably from hitting his head on the concrete
Experience is a huge deal in a fight, if you aren't trained on an instinctual level to react to things like this you will get fucked up.

It proves that heavy weights are 50% more likely to knock out someone than a lightweight, and 100% more likely than a strawweight. They’re all trained fighters so that’s a controlled variable. It literally proves that being strong will increase your chance of winning a fight. Whatever argument you’re making about experience vs unexperienced has no data so it is irrelevant. Let alone some crazy lightweight-experience vs heavyweight-experienced coping argument you’re trying to make. Weight does make a difference therefore it’s a worthwhile expenditure of time. I’d be happy to see you edify on experience.

>never heard of this """man"""
>decided to look him up
>retard who killed harmless kids
>see that netflix made a whole movie about him instead
what the fuck is going on in this world..

I dont even give a shit if he had a bigger goal in mind, if you are too weak to make a message without killing kids, i don't need to hear it

if you want to kill people grab a gun and go to the Middle East to fight actual terrorist for fuck's sake

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Jesus, you're a moron. Those heavyweights are trained to throw a punch. The average powerlifter can't punch at all. They look like retards whenever they try. They'll just try to grab you because they don't know how to throw. They don't even know how to keep their hands up either, which is why it's so easy for fighters to land shots on them. I say this as a 230lbs guy who has done kickboxing and powerlifting. Yes, size and strength matter a lot, but skill matters a hell of a lot more.

they decided placating everyone would keep their economy stable

>never heard of this """man"""

Underage B&

>Yes, size and strength matter a lot, but skill matters a hell of a lot more.
Experience might but you have no way to quantify experience. Regardless I seriously doubt it does. You’re just droning on a model in your head that you literally can’t prove. According to your head-theory could a 110 girl who has years of experience destroy a dedicated 220 lifter? Now you’re trying to use who you are (I’m just as big and I don’t really care about who you are, rely on your argument not your identity) and conjecture (I really doubt most 21+ year olds don’t know how to keep their wrists straight to throw a punch.

big brain post.

I wish I could make an entire forum full of people like you, and keep normal shitheads out.