How long would it take to achieve physique on the right ?
How long would it take to achieve physique on the right ?
I’m female btw
Fuck off tranny
you won't achieve it because you eat too much
You can get the physique from something like dance / yoga and low calories.
She doesn’t have any muscle
two weeks
OP here i'm male ( female) girl trans ( gay ) and disabled ( retarded ) btw
It depends on how much fat you have on you right now
no you're not
God, I want to bend you over, spread your ass cheeks far apart, place my nose on the rim of your asshole, and inhale deeply
built for BNC
If that's you it's probably impossible honestly, you've already ruined your body too much already.
You can still look way better though so go for it.
depends on the starting weight and fitness, but for a regular average female probably a month or two.
oh god no.
> a month or two
Might be a stretch. The girl
In OP is super low bodyfat for a female. Barely any muscle on her but average girls have a lot of fat on them.
If that’s you, I’d say 1 year. And not a lazy year. A dedicated, strict diet and workout nearly everyday type year
>more than likely a butter face
>skin tight clothing
>more stomach fat than ass fat
she's probably sexually active as well and harbors liberal beliefs. In short, I'll stick to my 2D women
hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhahaahhaha ahahahahahahahahahahhahaha im gonna bite
1000kcal deficit, daily cardio and full body every other day. Doesn't matter what you do as long as you hit all muscles, do planks, leg raises and stomach vacuums (call it a meme all you want but pianoman had no roid gut) every workout. One day you may.
Assuming you guys are the same height that’s like 50lbs of fat minimum.
oh and emphasize on shoulders and hips in your workouts cuz ur built like an egg lmao
>more than likely a butter face
you clearly don't know what butterface mean
Just do cardio and eat less. Dont listen to the other fags here, do fasting if you want to go skellymode like your pic related. I highly recommend intermittent fasting, if your just trying to get skinny
Two years strict diet and cardio.
It's possible.
You won't have the same skin tho
Perfect female physique! That's why I like trail runners and rock climbers, rather than gym hogs.....but women with lives usually only like other people with lives.
Fuck off tranny. Wheres the janny? A thread died for this garbage
Why would you want to
Wait you're not pregnant?
eat vegatables
dont eat carbs
drink only water