Are you ready for the fitness dystopia Yas Forums?

are you ready for the fitness dystopia Yas Forums?

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s0i cucks love shit like this

Thank you user I have been looking for that drawing for ages. Used to me my desktop back when I was addicted to MMORPGs

This is just cardio, and light cardio at most

>Its beatsaber

Attached: Airwreckamcbride_proudorcparent40k.png (603x428, 382.47K)

beat saber with a monthly sub

Imaging getting mad at people who buy this to improve.
Everybody starts somewhere, so did you user.


imaging no tracking your heartbeat and syncing it up with your music for maximum efficiency

fucking normies this shit wont even make you sweat. Just go lift

>something that gets people moving is bad
You're kind of a shitty person.

Imagine thinking this is a good way to improve. If someone actually wants to improve the least they can do is properly workout and lift.

Any movement is better than no movement. My boss went from objectively fat to normie size paying Pokemon Go with his kids. This VR thing will likely be a more intense workout than just walking.

All too fat to even attempt this, am I right? Best you guys can muster for a workout is the stretching required to wipe your own asses.

That's a very underage way of thinking user
Pretty much summed it up for you.

I have a weeb friend, who does nothing all day beside going to work, eat shit food and watch anime.
There is no way he will ever work out, but he recently picked up Beatsaber, and it's helping him to get out of his comfort zone.
Also it's light cardio and it's a way in the right direction.

Will he ever be the next Zyzz?
Prbly no.
Am I happy that he won't die because of a heart attack the next months, because he started moving his body?

Anyone that hasn't played expert+ songs on beatsaber and pretends it isn't cardio needs to shut the fuck up

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looks fun

Getting fit starts and ends with your diet. Maybe fucking start from there

But Stan, why are you so mad?

Because I hate when people complain that nothing works for them while their diet is absolutely horrendous.

nobody here complained about that, people were just writing that everybody starts somewhere and that some movement is better than doing nothing

I have BoxVR on my PSVR (I know, I know, I have PCVR now too), and it's a real great cardio workout but getting sweaty while wearing a headset is no fun at all and I doubt they hold up super well to lots of moisture over time. It's essentially the same as when sluts do their workout videos on the tv but there's scoring components and progression that make it a bit more interesting.

Attached: vaccines01.png (791x1178, 138.91K)

>playing a game at home
>moving out of his comfort zone
Holy cringe

Because the purpose of the thread is to discuss the before part. Not post-attempt. I'm giving that advice so people don't have to proceed to that post-attempt complain part.

I agree. Except that heart attack part as it is almost completely diet related and excercise can cause it to get worse if diet is bad enough

Attached: bliss.jpg (298x298, 17.79K)

>virtual reality
>it can simulate anything you want
>triangles and a scenic background
Why not make an exercise game wherein you fight in the Spartan army or become James Bond or something?

I don't understand. How can you lift weights while holding those motion controllers in your hands? It's a fitness app, right?

If you play VR games that are movement intensive a leather facepad replacement for your headset is a must

as it stands I'd rather just stand and play shit that doesn't get me all sweaty. I might grab something like that in the future for BoxVR but even having the headset kind of bob around on my head while I'm punching was an uncomfortable experience

If you also have PCVR check out Eleven Table Tennis VR, its moderately active and insanely good at imitating the real thing.

Attached: quest.eleven.forfunlabs-20200424-153625.webm (800x800, 2.98M)

I wanna engage her full body

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thanks friend, looks like a lot of fun and I really like sports games, just wish we had more in depth options. I remember playing cloudlands mini golf on my Gear VR years ago and it feels like we've barely moved forward with golf. Played Hooplord the other day and it's ok, the throwing doesn't feel right to me compared to real basketball, played a mini bowling and disc golf game that felt really bare. Best sports experience I've had so far is 2MD Football

You don't need to BUY stuff to improve physically