a beard is makeup for men
A beard is makeup for men
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how did he look with beard?
Makeup isnt determined by genetics or hormone levels. That being said, if you look better with a beard you’re probably average or worse looking.
Nah, I have sharp cheekbones and jawline and I only grow the mustache+goatee with light stubble on the sides, otherwise known as the pussy drencher. Full beards are gross but a light beard can take you from a 8 to a 10.
Beards are a gift from God to ugly people
>Shaving and castration are essentially the same
Beards look better on virtually every male. The only benefit of no beard is looking more youthful. Just make sure you pick a style that actually suits you (hides weak points, emphasizes strong points). You know like your haircut.
I look way better without a beard. I have good facial structure and a good jaw, all a beard does is hide that - my jaw looks significantly weaker and rounder when I have a beard. It also makes my face look chubby as fuck, I always look like a fatass in the face with a beard. I dont know why any of this is, I think my beard just has a weird growth pattern or something idk
You only look better with a beard if you're a jawlet hiding your weak chin or a fatso hiding your multiple chins
How can beard be makeup when it’s literally the natural state of the man. And then you clowns will worship women who are caked up in actual makeup. Weirdos.
>irritation occurs when it's time to shave it off
Irritation occurs because your skin is not used to it. Not that these two are contradictory anyhow.
Think about it like this: Why did beards become a universal treat in men? Because only bearded reproduced. Women are hardwired to love this shit. It's the facial equivalent of a dick.
Disturbing cope. No man with full beard is conventionally 7.5/10+, Jawline+Chin are half of men aesthetics.
But for 45+ guys beard is almost a must.
>No man with full beard is conventionally 7.5/10+, Jawline+Chin are half of men aesthetics.
Literally only bearded men reproduced. It's number one quality of sexual dimorphism in human beings. This isn't up for debate.
It might not look as fashionable just like skellies are fashion models but on a primal level these things will always prevail.
so basically if you shave you are a tranny?
Gorilla body hair is also dimorphic yet rarity of women prefer it that way. Defined wide jawline and chin are dimorphic and also far more aesthetic, Good (but feminine) jawline and chin on women are also highly desirable traits, So it's pretty universal, beard only play on 1 aspect of attractiveness.
You honestly need to be blind to not know it already, There aren't any models or sex icons without good facial bones.
>tfw can't grow a beard and I don't want to fuck my skin and heart with minoxidil
What to do?
Get a beard style that is achievable with your hair growth.
I agree. But lately I have been seeing a lot of models on youtube and instagram that came out for their many plastic surgeries. Cheeks, jaw, chin, both from male and female
Imagine being so fucking retarded to get surgery just to make money by your looks. Even if I was an 8/10 and had a few flaws, I wouldn't fucking get them fixed so I could slave for big fashion corps wtf
My "beard" looks like this, but I can't even grow a mustache kek
That's why I said get a beard that plays to your strengths.
Take for example how golden one's beard turned him from horse to chad (mean the front bit but couldn't find a better pic).
I doubt a face so perfect it wouldn't benefit from any hair exists irl and browses Yas Forums.
But in the end to each his own. Idk if any studies on this exist.
Maybe a slim Van Dyke?
Great post, faggot. Sage.
If your facial follicles can only produce that then just don’t. Clean shaven is 10 times better than a patchy beard.
Isn't that literally the point of the 3-day stubble?
Showing off your jaw while also showing off your beard genetics?
I use my beard to hide my gigantic chin and it works.
Are there girls that like the cute boy look, or are they just meme-ing me? Every girl I've dated or fucked said that I look like the most innocent boy that was going to do something horrible to them, and they were really turned on by it. Does the whole school shooter look actually pull?
pic related, look very similar to my boy bones
I use my beard to hide my small chin and it works. Wtf is going on here?
Are we talking double chin or just a Titanic sinking cinderblock of a chin?
Yes but the other guy meant to heavy facial hair
If you've bones it always was and always will be Stubble>Clean shaven>Beard
god bless, have some rare bones on me
why do you care what girls like? You show them what they like.