Asalaamualaikum brothers of Yas Forums. It is that time of the year again and the blessed month of Ramadan is starting. Fellow people of the book and kaafirs, you are welcome to partake in this blessed event for the next 30 days starting Saturday 25th of April and Insha'Allah you will see brothers you will develop an IRON WILL.
The challenge is simple. Do not eat or drink from the period between sunrise to sunset, pray to ALLAH and thank him for what you have in this life, thank him for your gains, and finally STOP WATCHING PORN. Insha'Allah brothers you will see how the most high will bless you with LEAN muscle mass. Jazakhallah Khairun to all my Khalifas.
You call that shit a challenge? Why don't you try a real fast you pussies.
Cameron Edwards
Sebastian Butler
No thanks im bulking and go to bed at 10pm. Enjoy passing out in the heat.
Dylan Collins
I've never lasted longer than 3 days on no fap. Not sure if I'm going to make it through Ramadan.
Diet wise gonna do protein shakes and tuna and get shredded af over the next 39 days.
Anthony Powell
i propose jannies delete all ramadam threads
Jordan Ross
How do you muzzies feel about the fact I fuck muslim girls and get hard at the idea of corrupting some retarded muslim father's daughter
Hunter Williams
Insha'Allah brother they will guide you to being a Muslim, in islam all great things come from conquering, whether it be conquering your own impure spirit, whether it be the conquest of women, whether it be conquest or land.
Kevin Morgan
Its not just about nofap, it's also NoPorn, avoid all porn agendas and content. Total reset of your hardwired coomer brain Ya Hussein Thata totally up to you brother And keep up the coomer and transsexual agenda threads? Astaghfirullah
Gavin Rogers
Theres ways to make it easier, keep your protein content up by choosing lean protein choices like chicken and fish, dont go overboard with extra carbs and keep your fats on the moderate side. Again your diet will reflect your country, in south and central asia they rely heavily on fruits and dates for carbs when breaking fast.
Dominic Jackson
May Muslims go out and celebrate Ramadan together and die in droves.
Jaxon Martin
Brother we dont celebrate ramadan we practise it, it is done indoors with your family. As per guided in the quran that if you must stay indoors to protect your Muslim brothers then it is your duty to do so. Fellow people of the book, if you're lazy on you program then try a few sets of pushups and bodyweight squats an hour after breaking your fast.
Wyatt Gutierrez
>if you must stay indoors to protect your Muslim brothers then it is your duty to do so. they're not doing that here, I can tell you that.
Jayden Russell
no you can't tell us that, you're just projecting
Evan Jackson
You're supposed to seethe not be happy about it
Daniel Parker
Reminder to hide every thread of naked women and may Allah accept your fasting
pretty based post from our muslim brothers so this is for the entirety of May? theres 31 days in May... and I can eat as soon as I see the stars in the nights sky? noporn, I can do that but I cant pray to Allah Im afraid, you best pray for me my guy maybe if it works out well then on the last day Ill send Allah a quick thanks, just in case what I dont believe in is in fact a reality and I thought it was 40 days?
Levi Gray
Why are there so many pedophile worshippers on this board?
I hope the U.S. government sends all of you to blacksites for enhanced interrogation.
Evan Harris
nothing to do with wahhabi, akhi, just common sense you didnt create humans so you shouldnt create humans
It's okay user my brother, you don't necessarily need to pray to Allah if you don't believe in it. What's important is you believe in the greater good and thankful to it for all the good things happen to you.
Aiden Kelly
nothing to do with wahhabism akhi, its just common sense
Wyatt Rogers
those are not muslims those are christens or jews pretending to be muslim to give us a bad name brother how can you be so blind
Zachary Hall
There isn't, it's the same Muslim who wants to LARP as 20 people and is desperate to get people to comment on his terrorist desert-cult ritual. He usually geta bitchy when people start to criticize the cult of the pedo and gives up. Rinse and repeat every day
Matthew White
Wow, sand niggers really are retarded
Adam Lee
Based wahhabi spammer you might aswell just quit internet, because it's Haram to you guys. and don't look at the mirror its also Haram to you guys. I'm having some doubts that you're just a jewish shitposter