/sig/ Self Improvement General: Fuck Jannies edition

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arcitea.com/ - General self improvement wiki
liamrosen.com/fitness.html/ - Yas Forums sticky

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duolingo.com/ - Learn a language
codeacademy.com/ - Learn to code
coursera.org/ - Courses on thousands of different topics
discord.gg/sEFreDx - /sig/ official discord

Basic recommendations:
• Create more order in your life. Live by a routine and set goals.
• Exercise at least 3 days per week. Lifting/sports/cardio are all great.
• Use a calendar and stick to it as closely as possible.
• Learn to focus + meditate
• Eliminate any unproductive or time wasting habits (watching youtube, browsing Yas Forums, etc)
• Simplify your life. Work, hobby, socialize, eat, excercise, and sleep should be 90% of your day.
• Get a hobby that isn't excercise or work. If your hobby is video games, expand on that. Create content (guides, videos, etc.) for your favourite game or contribute your skills to an indie game project.
• Read non-fiction, watch talks/documentaries.

The best way to become a more interesting, successful and overall better person is to do more things. Try out hobbies, learn about politics, become passionate about different things, strive to learn and do more. Don't look for arguments and remain open minded. See pic related.

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based thread
fuck jannies
been tryna do more pullups but im at a ceiling right now, is the solution literally more pullups?

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I got banned for posting last time cuz this was considered off topic, yet how does this not fall under healthy living but no fap is allowed here wth

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Yeah bro. Dont work to exhaustion, instead do lots of small sets repeatedly throughout the day, for example 2 an hour. Focus on form. After a week test your max


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thanks sir

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fuck jannies my man

blessed thread

externally fuck jannies, jealous crabs who are terrified of seeing other people grow

what is everybody reading? im loving letters from a stoic

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fuck jannies
bumping with based gymnastics/ calisthenics channel that ive never even seen mentioned on here
who else here workin on /frontlever/?

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'tismic and forgot link

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Good day lads

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what is a good business to start for a dude with $5k?

anyone actually have experience in this?

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look at this and see if anything here interests you
i havent watched any of his videos but honestly some of the ideas seem pretty interesting

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Not fitness related and none of you lift. Go back to /adv/.

shitty bait, fuck off and kill yourself

you seem down
wanna talk it out king?

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bump...same question

Should we include the /sig/ MEGA in the copypasta ?


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22 year old college drop out user here. On track to make 172k this year. Here’s how.

bartender at local country club for 3 years, make a shit ton of connections and realize all the people with fuck loads of money at a decent age own businesses. Start working toward creating my own. Over a years span I started and grew a social media marketing business, got a bit of success with it, talking like 300k total revenue. Nothing crazy but it was for sure a struggle while working full time. Along the way I taught myself SEO, sales funnels, email marketing, and Facebook ads. Crucial skills for the business that were to expensive to hire out. Through a connection end up getting in business with a local guy doing e-commerce dropshipping style stuff. Talked him into paying me 5% of what he makes in sales if I run all the ad works and funnels for him.
Fast forward three months and his sales went from on average 5-6k a day to 13-15k . You can do the math at 5%.
Moral of the story is finding a niche skill, and getting really fucking good at it. It doesn’t have to be anything spectacular. It has to be something valuable.
I’m my case I’m interested in the psychology and tech aspects of what I do. The marketing comes second. But it’s value is high because my performance directly leads to an increase in revenue for clients.
Everything, and I mean everything, I learned was through udemy courses and two other digital courses from guys who do what I do. Total spent on educating myself was around 1700 over the years span. You could probably do it for free through YouTube but I prefer courses for their structure and direction.
>whatever your situation a year or two of hard dedicated work can absolutely change the course of your life. Went from depressed college drop out with no direction to a highly motivated and fulfilled dude while 7x my income. I believe in you, why don’t you believe in yourself.

Reminder to jannies that /sig/ belongs here and if you don't like it: Post body

i shall remember this user
good shit

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This book is the truth

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There were a shit ton of emotional blocks I had to get through. Anywhere from doubt to depression from the workload or even ridicule( mostly from my parents who wanted me back in school). But let me fucking tell ya user. Despite as many times as I wanted to hang up the towel, I kept going at of pure stubbornness. And now I make more than my parents combined, have more respect and pride in who I am than I could ever have imagined, and actually feel in control of my life.
Sorry for the blog post but I genuinely mean this to be a source of inspiration for you all.
I’ll answer any questions ya got over the next few hours.

i have no questions atm but bro good fucken shit
i bless thee with gains of mind body and soul

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i have personally torn a jannie in half by grabbing each one of his ass cheeks and ripping them apart in one mighty pull

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i am a weak human being and i want to fucking die. i thought i had it all figured out, i stopped being depressed and my anhedonia went away and i was almost happy for once in my life, and now it's all slipping back. i don't know what went wrong, maybe it's the quarantine, maybe i just started hating myself again, i don't fucking know.

no motivation, no happiness, just emptiness and the perpetual feeling of there being a giant fucking brick lodged in my frontal lobe. i can't think anymore, i can't be happy. i've tried to find my center again through willpower, but i'm too weak, too lazy, too much of a coward. i can't get up and be productive, i can't do the shit i need to do, i just sit and waste away all day. the anhedonia is back. i don't feel any pleasure anymore.

it's the last thing i want to fucking do, but i'm going to start taking my ssri's again. maybe it'll help. if it doesn't help in a few weeks... i don't know.

have you tried psychedelics to help with it user?

You know I gotta roll

Really good shit dude, inspirational af to a dropout like me

Do you know anything about investing? That's what I'm trying to get into

yup, they dont roll em like they used to


yes. they helped for a while, but i won't be able to indulge again for a few more months. i had a bad lsd trip that ended up helping me, and knocking me straight. maybe if i trip a couple more times i can figure something out, or change my view, but i'm skeptical.

but if i have to keep tripping repeatedly just to stay normal... it's no different than having a dependence on SSRIs, or coping with other drugs. it makes you a slave.

it's not good to be fatalistic, to think this way, but sometimes i feel like there are born winners and losers. i feel like i drew the short end of the stick, i can't just fucking work and be productive. no willpower, no motivation, no discipline. ngmi.