>people say you're not supposed to roid if you have a high bodyfat or you'll fuck up your body and it'll turn into estrogen or soemthing
>these guys are at 25% bodyfat and do tons of roids
Explain it to me.
>people say you're not supposed to roid if you have a high bodyfat or you'll fuck up your body and it'll turn into estrogen or soemthing
>these guys are at 25% bodyfat and do tons of roids
Explain it to me.
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ok point to the part of his body that isn't fucked up
Whats to explain? Look at his tits.
The point is, he doesnt look low test high estrogen like people claim will happen if you take roids with a high bodyfat (I think the word is aromatize or something)
He’s one bra cup away from looking like a tribal fertility idol my man
He lost a lot of weight since then, he doesn't bitch tits
Aromatase inhibitors
He handles the estrogen aromatization through the use of drugs. You can't compare his hormonal profile to that of a sedentary fatty
There’s always a drug to take to kill side effects, then you need the drug to kill the side effects of the drug that kills the 1st set of side effects, and so on until you have to let a twink suck your dick for a porn site to afford your gear.
The eating over 10k kcal a day may also be a factor
They also are undergoing intense training programs and training consistently.
nobody has ever said that
all you need to see really
There are many faucets to steroids and everyones take on risk to reward is different.
Eddie wanted to break some world records and be an elite athlete. His health only matter so long as it didn't hinder his performance.
Also estrogen is cardiovascular protective and anabolic. People just say use AI because its the easiest solution but not really the healthiest
Will he make it to 50?
never realized that he never locked it out
soft knees
>25% bodyfat
Are you serious? That's in excess of 30 or 35%
>ramping and bouncing
Wow, can you imagine being butthurt and egotistical about a lift that wouldn't get a single white light with real judging?
When I saw the thumbnail I thought he was sitting because of his portruding gut lmao
> Eddie why don’t you eat one of the post 501kg deadlift donuts your wife brought? You are done with strongman for.....”mma”? *looks at your wife and halfsmirks* So you are on a diet?? Oh man that sucks, I guess me and your wife will have to eat all these delicious donuts by ourselves in my room then“
What do Yas Forums???
this is every PL's future
Wait, can you hide an hgh gut behind 40 lb of fat?
post litfts losers
>HGH gut myth
Hey guys I found the guy who hasn’t even lifted more more than a year yet
Reminder that you have to be natty for real sports and these freak shows have no athletic significance
>real judging
strongman is not powerlifting
Is this an issue that lots of natty lifters struggle with once they get strong and yet the only time it has been acknowledged is when people abuse HGH?
worse rules than pl? That takes effort.
thats how you lift faggy
It's caused by insulin use aka suicide juice
>The point is, he doesnt look low test high estrogen like people claim will happen if you take roids with a high bodyfat (I think the word is aromatize or something)
the point is that you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about
>he doesnt look high estrogen
he LITERALLY looks bloated and watery like a fucking hippo and has face that looks like beach ball