Jason is far happier today waddling about his house eating junk food than he was training and dieting under coath Adam

Jason is far happier today waddling about his house eating junk food than he was training and dieting under coath Adam
some people just can't be fit, sometimes it's not worth it.

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Its sick its piss


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I used to have goals, passions, things I believed in
now I'm 28 and fatter than ever and I don't care about anything whatsoever. I just want to eat and jerk off until I die.

i salute you

I fucking love Genova threads

Crazy to think that a lot of people on this board have made fewer gains than Jason

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1583254444220.webm (316x480, 1.89M)

Its called a dirty bulk,shitheel...
Google it
Janoy will be grainy & packed by the Ruby


coming in huge and freaky for the rooby shredded 190 200 210 veins coming ouit it sick it piss

The original brapsniffer

What's Janoy up to these days? Deuce, deuce and a a half?

put your face in it bitch

Ain't nothing but a hound doggie

are you implying those are the same guy?

Yep. Hard to believe, but it's true.

it haldolening

Is that current jason on the right?


No that's the titanic baby

he needs to stop doing fastfood reviews.

I completely let go for 3 weeks. It felt so good.

Those are the best ones right now
>texture is spicy
>this burger hits the spot on the money

>that twitch

See how utterly depressed Jason was when he was forced to exercise
he literally throws himself on the floor lmao

Lenny has unironically kinda unfucked himself, i remember like a year ago videos/pics of him looking like he was about to fucking die. Now he looks still fucking retarded because of the gut but except for that its much better

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Huge and fucking freaky

I’ve never had goals and I’m fit and lean at 33