Time to pay for another prostitute bros

time to pay for another prostitute bros

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woah look at that freak

lol ur an idiot getting pussy is easy

that's a p cool sword n shield

grab the sword and shield and dark souls roll round the room with her trying to attack you

This. The one prerequisite is not being a fat fuck and even then it’s POSSIBLE.

Download tinder, cheaper/free pussy and mileage of vagina sometimes is less

Get a blonde, tanned latina bimbo gf prossy.

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Kek’d hard imagining some Yas Forumsizen autistically screaming “WHAT ARE YOU” while executing perfect rolls as s(he) swings wildly, damaging and flinging any objects s(he) hits

woah momma. Have more?

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Enjoy your STDs.

why havent you settled for an 8/10 redhead gf yet?

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brown eyes hairy shoulders.

post body

Based and anti-brown pilled

Is that Hudgens? Peopel say she's fat but I'd fuck her till she looked like Eugenia Cooley

Paying for pussy is like paying for weight loss surgery. You're just too lazy and worthless not to take the easy way out.

I don't get the appeal of sex without feelings towards the girl (or guy if that's your thing)
I mean it's barely better than a wank.
And you seriously pay for that.

legit dejected by the possibility of not having a blue eyes wife within a few years

yes but in a "cool bugs bunny nihalistic nothing matters so take your easy way out" way

TFW my blue eyed wife gave me a blue eyed son last year and we’re working on making another one now.

make at least 3 more. godspeed user

>tfw to scared to talk to girls and too scared to hire a prostitute

thinking about visiting a japanese trap, should i do it?

The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin. Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

No, traps are best be kept in hentai only.

already spent $200 of my Trumpbux on OnlyFans, gonna use the last 1000 on a trap sissy hooker

Imagine writing this

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>imagine posting gay anime shit

Because i fucked up our relationship and will never find someone Who makes me feel like that again

don't fall for the fag meme, it's not worth it unless you want to get intimate with shit, because you will

Imagine this butthurt over a critique of an autistic post

Not butt hurt. Just always thought dudes who posted those were weak.

not if your bald from frontal recessing

Nice copypasta

Your wife wants you to stop shitposting mid coitus