Nobodies vs somebody’s

In hs or college were you somebody? What was your archetype?

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I was a nobody but I hated everyone from an early age so I enjoyed it a lot.

I thought I was a nobody but it turned out everyone loved me and I was just retarded.

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>no friends
>no experiences

>stereotypical fuckboy
>went thru periods of extreme whoring to no human contact at all
>never learned how to make real friends
>the few friends i had were girls i friend zoned who were inevitably boring

two types of losers ova' here

i was fat in high school and beginning of college and had more sex and gf's. now i have neither. its all about confidence.

>student council president
>honor roll
>officer in tons of other student orgs
>Bullied pretty much my entire life up through Sophomore year
>Junior year I just decided to pull a Mean Girls and ditch my nerd friends/change how I dress. Get invited to parties despite being a nerd/liked by people across most social groups
>Basically never got laid
>President of my frat senior year
>Planned a TEDx conference
>Stopped keeping track of my number (was at 35) halfway through Sophomore year
>Equity in successful startup
>Engaged to qt3.14 /fa/ architect
>Should own property within a year or two, have plans drawn up for a development company uses regression modeling to determine undervalued plots perfect for urban infill
And yet I still feel resentful towards people because i was bullied pretty much from elementary through early high school. Sometimes I feel like everything I've achieved is just to get fuck you money so I can make them look at me enviously if I ever run into these people again.

>nobody freshman
>nobody sophomore
>lost weight and became “oh I know you” guy junior
>somebody senior but still slightly autist
>had potential
>first 3 years go well
>good grades, somewhat active on campus, good friends
>year 4
>less focus on school, more partying
>year 5
>almost zero focus on school, continue partying

tfw I busted my ass working 40 hours a week to put me through and couldn’t suck it up for one more year to finish it out. chose to spend money on booze, weed, and women instead. trying to build a career and life from scratch now

I’m fucking hilarious so I was always a hit at parties. However, I didn’t take studying seriously and after academic probation I had to wise up and settle down. My first two years of adventure, excitement, and thrill were rivaled with the last two years of existential doom and several nervous demonic breakdowns.

Had normal friends in hs but I was an autist nobody

Had autist and normal friends in uni, and I became half normal half autist nobody

Got a job working overseas in a violent 3rd world shithole and dropped all the autist bullshit, now I'm a somebody.

No I was a loser druggie in HS, didn't go to college and now I'm just a regular loser with no friends.

>Should own property within a year or two, have plans drawn up for a development company uses regression modeling to determine undervalued plots perfect for urban infill, you're using scikit-learn and keras to out-Zillow Zillow?

In highschool i was that kid who was chill with everyone but only had a 1 or 2 friends
In college im the opposite. First day became pretty good friends with this older kid, next week we starting talking to a group of 1 dude and 2 extremely hot chicks. the 5 of us mogged the entire program for a full year, felt like we were the "cool kids"
Maybe it was just mental and i was coping for the lack of social experiences in high school but i still loved every second of it.

Hey guy
Starting college in september, how can i optimize my kill count during the next 2.5 years?

>from scratch
cant you just go get the credits you need? or is it one of those "one fuck up and all your money is mine" jew schools?

>Friends with basically everyone
>Moved from group to group with ease I.e. hanging with asians, blacks
>Class clown
>Semi athletic but bone thin
>average looking af
>Did weird shit with girls and still don't know why they were attracted to me

>went to shitty commuter school so nothing really to report
>girls had crushes on me

Literally was in the same boat, honestly not worth. Just try to make friends and fuck as many quality girls as you can.

join a fraternity

I'm in highschool now and this shit sucks

>inb4 "18 and over"
>captain of the swim team, but mostly black school so the status means nothing
>lanklet but visble abs and broad shoulders from swimming, get mired by QT volleyball Latinas after practice
>entered as "most gorgeous" and won unopposed
>friends with all the popular kids but keep in touch with the quiter regulars
>have never had a girlfriend or a first kiss, all the popular people are surprised by this
>have been accused of being on steroids
>respond by saying "If I was on steroids and I looked like this, I'd be a disappointment"

I hate that I go to school in Florida, the midwest highschool life looks more fun

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I played high school football and got along with people from different cliques. I had a good HS experience. In college I didn't bother getting too involved in anything, but made plenty of friends from classes and in the dorms, a few of which I've stayed in touch with for the past 7 years. I should have joined a frat, though.

I was the kid that stupidly told a friend that I could suck my own dick, and then everyone found out.

Most people laughed at me for it. Some other dudes admitted they would do it if they could. One quiet Asian girl told me she would finish me off if I did it in front of her.

That's about all I remember from high school.

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> how can i optimize my kill count during the next 2.5 years?

Find groups you enjoy spending time with and then outside of classes find a balance between spending time with them and trying new things. Just be present at events and parties and decide up front if you're going to quality or quantity. I went into university skinny-fat and still was in a relationship although I had to put in a lot of effort to meet and connect with people. I got low end b-team fit by year 5 and even in my state random girls would come up to me in bars.

Don't dress terribly, tighter clothing is still okay even if /fa/ likes baggier clothing right now; you want to look fit and baggy clothing can hide that. Don't be the most messed up person at any party, but don't completely abstain unless you're going to bible study to pick up your hookups. Put in enough work to avoid the reputation of being dumb to avoid the social dynamics of being the "dumb party fucc boi" unless you want that for some reason. I wasn't, but according to my friends in frats that sort of person would almost always get a hookup, but it's because all their brothers would pawn off the least attractive girl in a group on them since none of the girls in later years want that when they're husband hunting.

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Nobody checking in.

>hung out with some outcast types
>ditched them my senior year because they were scumbags
>befriend some new people and realize I wasn't as socially autistic as I thought
>never see new friends again after we graduate
>no friends
>had already done martial arts for years but then start workout a lot (with weights and machines instead of calisthenics)
>realize going to the gym often feels great
>routine consisted of going to class, working out, then doing nothing in the dorm most of the time
>somehow manage to attract a fair amount of girls at various points
>even go on dates with them, but don't really do anything more than hang out
>too stupid to make any moves or take any obvious hints
>graduate feeling unfulfilled
>don't realize I was fucking clueless around girls until after I graduate
"adult" life:
>go to work, go to the gym, go home
>best shape of my life but have literally no friends or social life outside of some powerlifters I talk to in the gym (before they were all fucking closed)
not even sure where to fucking meet people. only really do martial arts as a hobby and sometimes play vidya. went to the bar a few times with some powerlifters but that's about it.

i was more or less a nobody who hung out with somebodies

i went to school in Florida, it was great seems like youre just bitching to bitch

Sounds like somebody went to a non-predominantly black school

Somebody in the school system
Nobody among people my age

>And yet I still feel resentful towards people because i was bullied pretty much from elementary through early high school
I can bully you more if you like it so much faggot, just give me your to be wife and yours address

>and dropped all the autist bullshit
Except Yas Forums it seems
List me what you mean by autist bullshit please

sounds like youre right

In high school I was fat as fuck but Atleast I was a respectable person so people talked to me. In college I often just sit In the back and keep to myself like an edge lord but Atleast I mog everyone hard as fuck

In highschool and college I was a nobody. Still managed to fuck 40 girls before the age of 23 and have a great time with my nobody mates though. Now I have a loving girlfriend and am in law school.