What lifts are most important when training MMA? I figure upperbody stuff, squats are worthless
What lifts are most important when training MMA? I figure upperbody stuff, squats are worthless
Squats are totally worthless, but training your legs isnt. Thats your foundation, bro. Everything depends on the legs.
Most of your punching power comes from the hip
You don’t get better at MMA by lifting weights. You get better at MMA by training MMA.
what's best for working legs, I've been doing lunges and sumo shikos. What else should i do king?
>when training MMA
Oh then training MMA. The weights are for strength and if you think weak legs are a good thing in a MMA fight fucking lol.
I see GSP and Adesanya doing snatches and power cleans, sometimes from the hang.
Box jumps are also really common. Mostly explosive stuff, in general.
Neck Curls and flexors, neck muscles help prevent being knocked out and injury in general.
OHP trained for power.
Hip thrusts, glutes are important.
Weighted Serratus push ups.
Weighted chins.
A solid ab routine. I have one that I do for 25 seconds per exercise, 7 second rest, only 1 round. I can post if y'all want.
Weighted dips.
Lunges, or Bulgarian split Squat
Facepulls & rear delt flys.
Pendelay rows.
Clean and press
Suitcase carry or farmers walk. Suitcase is great for obliques, farmers walk is best if you're on a time crunch and really want that grip plus.
Weighted towel hang pull ups.
Hand grippers (grip is very important for grappling Bois)
A last memish, but effective exercise, is get a yoga ball that can resist a ton of pressure, bear hug it, and squeeze that bitch for time.
Not necessarily heavy squats per se, but leg endurance is super important. What I used to do when I was competing was load up 135lbs and do AMRAP once every month or so. It really depends on your style, though. If you're really boxing and wrestling oriented you also need crazy arm endurance for which kettlebells and bulgarian bags work better than barbells IMO.
If I had to start all over, though, I'd focus on developing a strength base before endurance, though. Get to like 1/2/3/4 and move from there. Otherwise you'll just be frail.
>squats are worthless
enjoy having no power in any technique at all
Push press, cleans.
Ploy metrics are good for conditioning
This. I just started Muay Thai and the kick and knee all generate power from the hips. Hell even the upper body is hip driven. My teacher was surprised about "muh hip drive" but it's not a meme.
BJJ fag here, and it's the same for us when we hip bump someone, when we shrimp away, or when we go for a sweep. It's all in the hips.
Where I train is a Muay Thai club, but we rent 2 hours of mat time each night to roll, and we sometimes watch the kickboxers training. It looks like a blast, and I hope you can stick with it. You're lucky if you get to train right now.
Actually an mma program will give imbalances like chicken leg because all the power come from upper body and mussle leg isnt very iseful
>all the power come from upper body and mussle leg isnt very iseful
is this a bait??
Look at pro fighter if u don't believe
>I figure upper body stuff
>Squats are worthless
Either you've never trained a martial art in your life, or you hit like a bitch. Power's generated through the legs and hips.
>even the upper body is hip driven
Yeah, punching power is generated by transitioning body weight from one side of the body to the other (e.g. left hook - weight shifts from the front foot to the back foot as you throw the punch).
GSP's coach summarized his thoughts as follows on GSPs physical training: GSP did many types styles of strength training. For periods he did bodybuild, other periods gymnastics, and other times oly lifting. It didn't seem to make much of a different as long which style he did as long as he did something.
pic related is his beef cake of a coach: Big Daddy D
Crazy to think John doesn't compete, but has had an insane impact on the nogi community.
I'm pretty bummed Rose didn't get to fight with the fucking event cancellations. She was training really hard.
Dude's basically a cripple at this point
oh nice this piping hot take again
The legs feed the wolf.
Squats could help you with not feeling fatigue as quickly if you level change a lot.
barbell rows
chin ups
hip thrusts
glute/ham raises
maybe OHP
don't even bother deadlifting if you do any sort of consistent mma training.
all of your conditioning work should be done as a mix between drilling, sparring, and movements that directly carry over to your sport. burst training with battle ropes, sprints, plyometrics/bodyweight movements, bag work, etc.
t. karate black belt, golden gloves boxer, BJJ brown belt
you will be shit at mma without strong legs. the strength of your punches and kicks and the speed and force of your hips depends largely on your legs. mma is an extremely demanding sport for which your entire body must be strong, but you also need to be fast and flexible and have good endurance