How you holding up Yas Forums? How's that hairline?
23 and balding here, feels bad man. I've heard recently that growing my hair longer will make it fall out sooner due to weight, is that true?
I'm going alpha rugged skinhead mode once it gets out of hand, but how can i postpone the balding as much as possible?
Balding General
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29 and I have a perfect hairline and 20 inch long hair. Sorry OP.
Bro Im serious just fucking own it
Fuck it. Its how you are. Its not like losing weight and getting in shape. Its just how you are.
Nobodys perfect bro
Dont cope. Its pathetic
Dont try to hide it under a hat
Dont try to make it grow back with snake oil type of shit
Fuck it. Move on. Dont give a shit. Improve the rest
Pic rel.
Just an example of someone who looks perfectly respectable, worthy of admiration and handsome.
Nobody would look at him as inferior because of his hair. Literally nobody would even care at all.
I accepted the fact that i'm going to be bald, but if a simple change of hairstye or diet can buy me a few more years i'm all for it.
Freud sure looks like a right honorable gentleman, but it's not like you can be a prime-pussy slaying chad with that hair.
from a 4 to a different kind of 4
>it's not like you can be a prime-pussy slaying chad with that hair.
You couldnt be more blind
Just wear a human hair lace wig dude? Just be honest about it. Or get a hair system. Hell, Turkish hair transplants are some of the best available and very affordable. Could also just shave it and own it. There are so many options, just own what ever you do. Pic related is a wig.
Literally looks 10 times better bald. Goes from hippie acoustic guitarist to ex-gang member Chad.
why does everyone say you need to go to turkey for a hair transplant? As a burger, that's really fucking inconvenient.
I wore a hair replacement system for six months this last year. Benefits were younger women and women in general were much more flirty. Oddly enough dudes were much more stand offish and less friendly.
Downside, women who already knew me said I looked better bald (I have the right head shape for it). Also I noticed my libido waning, and the glue I was using had some toxic shit in it.
I may wear one again with different glue, but for now it's nice having one less thing to worry about.
Literally anything would look better than that ridiculous Doctor Zaius haircut, shaved or not shaved.
Post pics or gtfo
Balding here as well, OP. 33 and I was doing well, had nice hair until I lost half of it through stress, lol. 18mo ago and it never came back.
I tried minoxodil and about another 30% fell out (6mo of use now and no improvement) so that's BS.
Trying dermarolling then going to have to accept it.
Buzzed last Monday, eight years after a transplant and being on Fin on and off.
Feels fucking good. Should have done it ten years ago. Don't waste money and emotional energy being a huge faggot like I did.
>ive heard growing my hair longer will make it fall out sooner due to weight
Holy fuck lmao, the fact people believe shit like this.
He looks like such a goat fucking paki with that stupid beard.
truly owning it and not coping would be to let your hair grow out all the way despite the balding.
pic related is what owning it looks like. your pic is just some kike
I've written a guide on how to cure hairloss definitely on Yas Forums years ago.
It works if you're not too old.
If you chose to shave your head to become a baldy or if your hair falls out to the extent you're a baldy then you can live a normal life but have to understand that things WILL change.
>disengage from image based social media and stop liking girls photos, its creepy you're an old bald man now
>casual sex with girls your age isn't an option until you get closer to 40
>don't be randomly adding young girls under 30 on snapchat, again creepy
>part of the bald package, every bald man attempts this: grow beard, get jacked, get some sun on your skin. Its a meme, everyone laughs at it but just a heads up
plain and simple, if you don't expect to be chatting/texting girls then being bald is ok. Do your own thing and don't bother getting caught up on "why doesn't she like me" etc. cuz this is what makes many anons rope when they lose their frontal hairline.
give me a tl;dr
cause its cheaper to fly to turkey and have a procedure than to do it in the US
holy fuck man texting younger girls is all i ever do
im too fucking young to be an old bald man
you're bald?
>thinking about starting propecia since I’m a diffuse thinner
>keep hearing tragedies online
Does anyone have any good results?
Yes, most men have good results and transient side effects if any (that means they go away). I've been on fin for 2 years and my sides went away after the first 2 weeks of use. At this point, my libido is significantly above where it used to be. My balding also stopped where it was. You don't hear many of these stories because they're mostly unremarkable. The drug did what it is meant to do and there were no dramatic side effects. People also meme the sides for some reason on this site in particular, not sure why. I think might be because the mentally ill paranoid scizophrenics congregate here and they love to freak out about anything possible.
have you tried hair fibres? theres guys i work with that wear them everyday to work and have been for past 8 years. its basically a hair product like gel, wax or hair spray, it takes 10 seconds to apply, nearly all guys as they get in mid to late 20s use it user, could work
there are pretty much only 2 major factors that affect how you look bald, head shape and neck size
shaved my head. idgaf anymore. I just wanna enjoy life. Literally just shave it dude. All insecurities go out the window as soon as you finish buzzing.
I’m at a point where hair loss drugs really would be effective. I’m just fucking terrified of going sterile or something.
The other part I feel is that no one would really want to talk about it. It’s like manlets and heel lifts - I’m sure a lot of people try them, I doubt they’d advocate for them.
just fucking shave it, seriously
Do topical fin if you are worried about sides
I’m not really at that point yet. I’ll probably be noticeably balding in 2 years to other people.