Which would win in a weighted pull-up contest, an orangutan or a chimp?

Which would win in a weighted pull-up contest, an orangutan or a chimp?

Attached: orangutan vs chimp.jpg (3368x1422, 1.32M)

Pic related might not win pullups, but it beats its prey to death rather than envenomate or strangle like other snakes, anything smaller and/or weaker than it is doomed. In other words, the Eastern Indigo snake would absolutely demolish the jannies

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The arboreal one, obviously. Chimps win the pushups

Also, IIRC orangutans have hooked/curved fingers to make climbing and hanging from branches more energy efficient. Chimps might have this advantage too, but I’m not sure. I wanna side with the orange bros, but mostly because chimps are cunts


I've seen fat dyel looking orangutan moms do one armed pullups casually with multiple kids clinging to her at once. Shit is... bananas. ;)

How about gibbons? I know they’re weaker but does having longer arms give you better or worse pullup rom?

>it beats its prey to death rather than envenomate or strangle
Wait what? How? Is there a video of this?

dudes live in the trees

chimps win everything else however

Chimps. They're lighter.

>chimps win everything else however
Nah, they'll lose rows and curls too. Maybe even deadlift, not as confident on that one though.

Yeah look it up. I had a thread on the most Yas Forums animals talking about this but the jannies took a break from watching tranny cuck porn to delete the thread. Basically this snake is north America’s biggest snake. It relies on its strength and power to dominate other creatures. It eats other snakes and commonly eats rattlesnakes.

They’re also very chill and will allow people to just pick them up, which is why they’re endangered and it is now illegal to touch them.


The fittest land animal is the elephant and that's not even close.

How do you figure? I'm not trying to hate on elephants but I'm not seeing it.

why are orangutans so based

Sheer size and strength overall, idk about strength to body size ratio tho

>just want to chill
>not autistic like chimps
>get along with people fairly well
Most based primate

Why do their forearms look so skinny? That is a lot of grip strength for a dyel animal.

This. Also they're orange which is an aesthetic color. Debateably the most aesthetic, even.

I was at a zoo once that had ropes connecting two orangutan habitats right over the walkway for people. I asked what happened if they fell and the zookeeper just said
>they never fall

Depends on age/sex/physical condition. Large alpha male orangutans are too large and heavy to be arboreal like females and younger males.

>zoomers skellies getting prime pussy but you fell for GOMAD

I remember watching an episode on orangutans on one of those nature shows. It was pretty funny to watch a bloatmaxxed alpha male chasing away what would be an adolescent male from his harem of bitches.

their fingers rest at a more curled position, this position than us, it lets them more comfortably hang onto branches

Attached: oranguhands.jpg (491x720, 124.56K)

What do they even bloatmaxx on? Just fruit?

my hands curl like that
am i monky...

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orangutan pussy

actual sign of autism bud


their arms are literally as long as if not slightly longer than gorilla arms so just because they look proportionately skinny doesnt mean they dont have a good amount of muscle on them.
Orangutans have the longest arms proportionally of all the large great apes(gibbons have slightly longer arms proportionately but they're pretty small overall so not worth mentioning).

Gorillas win because of physique in aesthetics imo, but a top tier human is also peak ape aesthetics even with our short arms