
Muscle size is directly related to muscle strength.

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Try me, tough guy. I lift with a shoulder holster.
But keep up your larp because you are too fat to actually lift.

You mad I got 16 1/4 inch forearms daddy?

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I aint showing respect till proven natty

I got a testosterone level of 240. Thats the level of a 90 year old man

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Routine for looking thicc and strong?

Honestly without a word of a lie I have seen the most gains in my arms by doing an arm wrestling workout twice a week. I'm not an arm wrestler

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Based and truthpilled.

Why do your arms look so stubby?

op is 5'3 and on roids

6 foot with a testosterone of 240

Last I went to the gym I was at 2/3/4/5 but I look like I can barely do 1/2/3/4.
I think it’s because Im a good technical lifter, but I’m strong for what I look like.

>5’10 175lbs amerimutt

So that means you're on trt?
Still dope bro
Post physique

>6 foot

You look fat as shit, man. Time to cut.

post pic of you standing next to a ruler with timestamp

>*blocks your path*

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Your arm looks like it weighs a ton!

its stupid how fucking strong this dude is. he was benching 3 plates at 150lbs as a highschool sophomore.
Does he solely focus on upper body? Never seen him squat or deadlift.

Impressive forearms user

oh right youre that bald guy

he has multiple faq videos on his youtube, he only practices bench press and lifts he thinks are accessory to bench.

hes amazing. he almost benches 400lbs on 150lbs lmao. although i dont really get why someone would only do bench

First time I ever thought "those pecs are way too big"

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only training one lift requires less time and effort than being well balanced. can also bait normies by showing an impressive bench at low body weight, which he just did to you. meanwhile he probably couldn't even deadlift 3 plates

Your God damn right.

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for a moment i only trained OHP
within a few months i went from 165lb OHP to 225 for 4 reps no lie
if i had trained multiple lifts i would not have progressed so fast on OHP

Shh ;)

>Muscle size is directly related to muscle strength.
Why is it then, that I know a dude who has way bigger looking muscles than me and he can only hit 135 10 times and I can hit it for 20 reps? Explain that shit