Sexual Health and Wellbeing

Are these threads still allowed?

Who /EDandoesntknowwhatthefucktodo/ here?

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sometimes after sex or masturbation i got a weid feeling at the base of my penis like im about to pee myself. is it the prostate, i hope its not the prostate. i also pee with relatively low pressure and i ejaculate with really low pressure/speed. unless i got my balls full semen. should i worry? im also 21 so i would want to worry about this kind of shit this early

happens to me too at 18 fuck

got over my ED with women, now I go limp with condoms and blowjobs. It never ends.

Weak pelvic floor maybe? Try kegels

probably just weak kegels

I wish someone would kiss me like that :/

>cant lift the virginity away

thought so, tried doing kegels but after 2-3 days i just forget about them. also i got no problem with erections so theres not anything to remind me of them. but i'll try them some more

Don't forget then. Set an alarm or something. There's really no excuse for forgetting things in 2020

t. Person with ADHD

*is actually based as fuck and works perfectly*

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At risk of being banned for advertising, here is a 20 dollar off coupon if anybody is interested.

Ordered some a while back but didnt use them all. Is it safe to take it expired?

Yeah probably. I'm no doctor but I can't imagine it doing anything to you negatively. It just might not work. Ask their live chat

Unironically can't cum during sex anymore.
It might be the condoms/my own death grip but I've cum with condoms before.

I’m 18 and I still haven’t lost it. Please someone help, I don’t want to be doomed to be a wizard forever

This was me. This is how you fix this: don't fap for 2 weeks at a time. On the 14th day, use a fleshlight. Repeat for about 4-6 months. Your hand destroyed your sensitivity and you can't use it anymore or you'll keep making it worse.

if all else fails prostitutes exist.

I don't have the problem, but should I start doing this anyway just to be safe?

I had so much trouble with it and it was such an ordeal that I would tell anyone to do it.

Kek, I always kiss my boyfriend lime pic related but I like to grab his lower lip with both of mine. I also try to stick my tongue deep in his throat

Literally just go on dating apps my g and just set up meets with people

I'm a 29 year old virgin, quit yer bitchin.

Adam go home.

Yohimbine and nofap, man. Or, if you fap, at least use a fleshlight or something like that to prevent the death grip syndrome.

>bought viagra
>got nothing but a killer headache from it
Chances are there's nothing wrong with me but performance anxiety.

10 days, not two weeks, or you'll have wet dreams.

Try hanging around a kindergarten, user

What a fucking ripoff. Their best plan is $90 for ~1 g total? I can get 10 blister packs of 10x100 mg of Indian pharma sildenafil for the same price.

I get no matches because of my shitty face

i can't coom from vagina or mouth even though i haven't been jerking off or looking at pornography

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Hire a pro photgrapher. I am not memeing. They will find the best lighting and make it look more natural than you doing selfies.

Not him, but I did that and you people still mocked my face relentlessly every time I posted in CBT threads. I know I look like a potato, it's just slav genes, dammit!

This girl im going to be dating is half hawaiin. Are hawaiins considered asian?