How many days a week do you lift and why?
How many days a week do you lift and why?
0, gyms closed fuck face
2 rest days 1 full body workout day is maximum strength gains unless you are a beginner then you can do 1 rest day 1 workout
5 workouts a week of bodyweight or cardio and 1 day stretch
Before it was minimum 3xweek of gym max 5
A full upper body workout once every 4 to 6 days at times mixed with squats.
Can do light lifting in between.
Also walk a quit a bit and run time to time.
Reson, keeping myself functional and to try and get my lard-ass turned to muscle.
*walk quite a bit
7 normally, 6 if I feel like having a rest day
4 days full body
if you're working out every day you're wasting your time or you're not actually working out
Or he could just be young.
Some of us know how to vary the intensity of our workouts thank you very much.
if you knew how to work out you wouldn't be working out every day
>how much
4, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday
because with 4 days a week every session i look forward to, doing a PPL 6 day split or something some days i just loathe working out and it turns into a bad session and i think 4 good sessions is better than 3 good and 3 bad
Right now I'm doing
>hike MWF
it's steep as fuck and takes me to my cardio limit
>push TSa
>pull ThSu
when the gym reopens May 1st I seriously think I'm gonna squat + hike/upper body + swim alternating days. Find the flaw. Upper body day can just be bench and rows, or the Press™ and pullups.
Thanks I'll log that away, pussy
6 days now in cuarentine. Push pull legs
Post bodies or your posts are worthless
5 days full body because I only have 115lbs to work with. Tfw coronacutting yet anytime I take a picture I suddenly look fat with no muscle mass.
You do know what a split is, right?
You can play with all of those and come up with a way to lift every day.
Hell, one of the most popular programs, PPL, is six days a week.
All you gotta do is find one more thing to do.
0 times. I live on country-side in a slavic country and I'm currently not working either since we're let off so I just spend every day in the forest hunting and attempting to create a tree-house for my future son. Gyms are too expensive and boring I prefer to have fun while exercising.
Lift on the weekdays
Cardio on the weekends
5-7 days. At most I take 2 days off I usually workout everyday.
six, I like it and have nothing better to do
4 on 3 off with cardio every day
it just werks
faggot you can manage a 7 day split if you arent retarded
I'm trans btw I don't know if that matters.
I'm trans btf
Full body EoD
Heavy upper (6-10 rep range) Light lower (15-30 rep range)
Heavy Lower Light Upper
I have two variants of each day Right now I'm doing only compound movements outside of bicep curls and lateral raises, when I'm not squatting in my garage I'll throw in leg extensions/adductors too.
I'm trying to get fucking huge. This seems to work really well for getting stronger at general movement patterns as long as I keep per session volume low (eg 1 to maybe two sets per exercise)
You'll be Yas Forums and probably look fine by normie standards. Throw in some direct arm work tho
I don't have a set amount of work days or rest days and I just do whatever I feel like doing.
what's the best routine for cutting?
5, because I'm borred
Everyday anyday
I lift to become a big guy
Yeah I workout 7 days a week because I lack the discipline for rest days, I just enjoy lifting too much
Post lifts
6 days a week.I've always been the type of person who needs to work their ass off to get any decent results (also cba splitting hairs to optimize whatever I decide to focus on)