Whats the chads way to show those gainz without taking a mirrorselfie like those pathetic roachboys?

Whats the chads way to show those gainz without taking a mirrorselfie like those pathetic roachboys?

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>wear fitting clothing
>go to social function
>have your body take a candid picture of you

*your boy / wingman / friend, etc.

Do Chad shit.

And if you need some profilepics? I really hate mirrorselfies

Then don't take a mirror selfie. Put your suit on and get a professional profile picture. Profile pic can be you in front of your work building, for example. Get somebody else to take your picture, that's the bottom line

Get into outdoorsey hobbies like kayaking or surfing

Thanks user

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Martial arts
Have someone take a picture of you while fighting shirtless, enjoys cyprine gushing through your phone's speakers.

Nice, i actually have a tkd blackbelt

All those animals are stuffed.

chads don’t feel the need to “show those gainz.” people will notice regardless of what you’re doing

just get a full body pic taken (with a real camera, not a phone) while you are wearing a grey shirt that is close fitting. It will show the outline of your body perfectly, and it will not give any of the negative impressions that shirtless pics can give

>what is a tripod and timer
Do you even hermit?

>>go to social function
what if you don't have friends, never go to social functions, and don't have anyone to take photos of you?

Go to a pool or beach and take a pic

That's all on you.

Go to beach with tripod and timer

What the fuck possesses a man to think the world needs a dolled up picture of himself surrounded by dead animals

>have your body take a candid picture of you
That's just the scientific definition of a selfie

if you don't have friends and don't get invited to social gatherings then you have bigger problems to worry about

>thinking a good picture will help someone who lives like this

no one wants to be friends with the guy whose life outside of work is non existent.

>go to nearest county/state/national park
>take a parrot bebop 2 with anamorphic lens adapter (normies DO NOT know what this is)
>find most picturesque point
>strip completely naked
>beep boop bebop 2 in the sky
>film myself running through famous mr olympia posing routines
>tim westner, jon handlay, ed zestner
>I know their routines by heart
>multiple takes
>multiple angles
>go home and find the best stills to use as profile pics

Damnit i just got a Rocksteady

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This is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The same man who fucked his super ugly maid, impregnated her and then lied to his wife/children every single day for over a decade. The guy is a fucking narcissist attention whore. He does whatever he needs to to keep his image up. Now he's suddenly turned into an SJW because that's the way the wind blows.

Nigs are always posting shirtless pics of themselves

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Shitting on legends is pretty weak baka. I wouldnt say anything bad about Clint Eastwood just because hes a little more right than me

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>This hollywood celebrety is perfect like the internet told me!