So how's that improooving going now that gyms are closed?
Reading philosophy? Learning Slovakian?
So how's that improooving going now that gyms are closed?
Reading philosophy? Learning Slovakian?
learning chinese and getting hassled about it a lot more than 6 months ago
Based follow chink learner. I live and work in China, waiting to go back now.
I'm tired of all the CCP propaganda.
>Learning Norwegian
>Best bench 120kg in comp
>More interested in 10k and marathon because I actually race those distances
>Lost my ID and was forced to quit drinking until I replace it. Love the forced sobriety, so I haven't bothered to replace it yet.
>Finally getting around to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
>Doing 200KB swings per day
>Cleaning apartment for 30 minutes each day (being a slob is the hardest habit to break)
I'm not currently in china and haven't been yet, have been learning chinese for about 2 years and was going to go for 6-12 months in the next year or two but my enthusiasm is at an all time low and I don't even really want to go anymore
How you gonna get Ure anime Chinese waifu then?
I mean I live in toronto so there's already more chinese people here than in shanghai
>Had already been doing NoPorn a month before shutdown
>Went to full NoFap two weeks ago, still going strong on both
>Set aside time to clean a different part of the house each weekend
>Listen to podcasts while I clean, mostly Jason Stapleton and The Daily Stoic
>Reading every day, just finished The 48 Laws of Power and started pic related
>Attending my Spanish/English conversation meetup via Zoom every week
>Toastmasters every week, done two speeches via Zoom
>Started cutting, switched from steady state runs to hill sprints for cardio
Just ripped a Bush out the ground. Nice lat workout
There is no point in self improving unless it raises your social status or the amount of money make.
Prove me wrong
>intermittent fasting & hi protonz diet
>liftan 5x/week, yoga 2x/week
>classes moved online so still studying @ college
Feels pretty good man.
>does nothing all day only improves
what does it even mean? that's literally doing something unlike all the normies having "fun" i.e. doing nothing
Better than when I could go outside. I think it's working from home. The lights and noise of the office drain me.
Lifting 4/5 days a week, trying to work (not much success tho)
Reading all the books I didn't make time to read earlier because of work and family
>Things I still have left to do until it ends
Trying to kick youtube addiction, almost succeeding.
Stop hating myself despite having an absolutely wonderful life.
>worried about YouTube addiction
>posts on Yas Forums
Actually learning lithuanian, shit's fucked up
>le ebin 13 yearold pee pee poomer
>Look mom! I replied to everyone!
Into the bucket you go
what a waste of time. the only languages worth learning are the ones that will still exist in 20 years, meme languages like lithuanian, finnish, swedish, welsh, irish, dutch, etc, have no place in society anymore
Post body or stay mad gayboy
Chink learner here, how do I gitgud at understanding spoken Chinese? Flashcards are going ok but the sentence order is still completely unintuitive. Also, distinguishing tones from one another and actually comprehending words is fucking impossible for me, are there any decent Chinese cartoons so I can start to get a grip?
>are there any decent Chinese cartoons
no. there's hardly any good chinese media of any kind. it's a soulless society. barely any games have chinese dubs too.
the way to get good spoken chinese is to practice with other people
i cant stop scrooling guys, help
Install website blockers
>sleeping up schedule is now from 9pm to 4-5am
>cardio increased thanks to boxing drills, speed rope and super sets
Official Yas Forums server. Get in you virgins, we be lifting out here.
Interview set up with one of Arnold Schwarzeneggers ex personal trainers
discord gg /ZcPZgVU
>Shadowboxing & calisthenics daily, working on one arm pushup form
>Going over Japanese, and recently started learning Russian
>Meditating everyday and whenever I notice I'm losing focus
>Goal to get down to 155lbs ,165 now, by increasing activity and eating more veggies/less processed foods
>Picked up gardening, got some pepper plants waiting to transplant when it gets warmer
>Might pick back up drawing/sculpting/writing poetry
On top of work (security at essential business) and uni, I hope all of this focus won't fade as soon as things return to some semblance of normalcy.
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs involves self actualization, and achieving this inherently raises social status.
Therefore self improvement raising social status is a tautology
How is it? I was planning on going before the ronies hit I didn't know they were doing zoom shit.
>tfw great in all social settings but choke and stammer whenever public speaking
Nigga tuck off with your fucking rage face memes back to r/fitness memes or some shit