These were American high schoolers in the 60s. Daily reminder that they murdered Kennedy and sold us to their corporate friends.
La Sierra Fitness
I blame the Italians
Also that guy on the right looks like an undercover pedo, not a highschooler
whats sickening is that there's a mass propaganda campaign to try and make it out like life and society in the 50s fucking sucked and everybody was secretly depressed to try and pretend that leftism didn't destroy cohesive society
Killed the thread like they killed Kennedy
They don’t want knowledge of La Sierra to spread. They don’t want people to know how it could be.
now someone post the soviet teenagers
and then the hitler youth
Even if they're just cherrypicked, why has promoting fitness as part of your political propaganda gone out of style?
Holy shit based
Even if these lads are the cream of the crop the average high schooler was more fit and stronger than 90% of highschool kids i
The thought that strength and fitness = masculinity and leadership is a conversative view and the world became
less and less conservative
(((((Corporate friends)))))
They used a rank based on the shorts colors. Here is the program if anyone want to try.
American citizens are now America's first enemy. No gommies to get in shape for.
We had peg boards in our gym in Highschool.
This whole fat retarded kids thing isn't new, we always had fit kids too.
IDK, plenty of that kind of imagery from the past had healthy and strong young men and women, I don't think the issue is that it was too masculine. I think it's just that people are fat weak and ugly now, so they avoid fitness to avoid alienating the average person.
Post the video of the program
(((Who))) would want to keep Americans weak?
Yeah bro those Soviets were real conservatives rofl
People post the bumbest shit without thinking.
The Soviets were conservative, they'd kill off sex workers and faggots - leftist economists and social conservatives
Is there any information on the details of the program? Like exercises, frequency. duration etc
Now schools are killing off PE programs because they're "a waste of time" and drugging any kids that don't want to sit in a desk for eight hours straight.
Not everyone is weak. Pic related is a guy after only one year of college, so still pretty young.
I'm still looking for it, but here are the fitness tests beginning at page 9
This. It's a cancer.
thanks bro. i was having a pretty deep dig and couldnt find anything.
Kill urself nigger
Holy Fuck. This is brilliant. Bottom of page 7.
>In addition he must present himself with a short, trim haircut prior to color group movement.
How our standards have fallen.
I wish this stuff was implemented worldwide, most high school PE programs are absolute trash, you americunts still got it pretty sweet, but programs like these could really make people appreciate fitness properly
>1.6% bf
Niggers really think shit like this
>1 year of college
dood but da bbc genetics means kaaangz join the NFL at kindergarten lol?
Dude but we can get flat screen tvs for $300!!! What a time to be alive. Sure we are living in a police state where we can't even go outdoors, our culture identity has long died, we are all fat, dumb, and ugly, but think of the televisions!
In America at least, you would be dissuading the majority of your voters by propagating a standard that they are too mentally weak to vye for. If they don't see their fat selves reflected in your advertisements, they will vote against you.
Socially conservative you fucking mong.