What's the most Yas Forums alcohol? Is it vodka? I'm currently cutting

What's the most Yas Forums alcohol? Is it vodka? I'm currently cutting

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the only Yas Forums amount of alcohol consumption is none

You already know the answer but don't want to hear it. No alcohol is Yas Forums. If you're cutting just don't drink.

Too boring during quarantine

Vodka with low cal and sugar mixer

if yore drinking alone go for the vodka cran


inb4 incoming gymcels crying about others alcohol consumption. caring so much about what other men do is sus.

The most Fit alcohol is none, but I prefer rum, with milk usually

>thread asking what Yas Forums alcohol is
>w-whore cares

Rum with milk lmao wtf

Any pure alcohol without a mixer that's 80 proof is going to be about the same, whether it's vodka or whiskey. When you see shit like "Skinny Girl" vodka it has low alcohol content.

It's all empty calories (empty in that it doesn't have protein), but fuck it.

Have you tried irish whiskey with honey, hot milk and cinnamon? tastes great

Yeah, putting a shot of spiced rum in a glass of milk isn’t that crazy. Haven’t you ever had eggnog, user? It’s milk, egg, cinnamon and whiskey.

Obviously nothing. But if you have to drink, vodka is it, at about 100cal per 1.5oz. If you like mixers, club soda and lime juice is almost no calories and hides the shitty taste of vodka.

Jack Daniels has the lowest calorie per shot of any hard liquor I know of, lower than vodka.

also do yourself a favor and get some titos instead of that plastic bottle shit

Less hangover with the good shit

>100 cal per shot
How the fuck do skinny alcoholics exist?

also just tastes better, plus you can get a big ass jug of titos for like 25 bucks so its not even that much more than smirnoff or svedka or whatever

They dont eat, they get most of their calories from booze

They don't eat, it also helps the booze hit you harder. My dad was an alkie and he was under 120lbs when he died.

>Ez answer
Hard liqour neat
Vodka and vitamin water
>Real answer

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You get drunk much more efficiently without eating

vodka is fucking disgusting and tastes like rubbing alcohol. The only reason people like it is because its all they can afford on their college allowance.

Tequila is the true Yas Forums alcohol. And no, not that jose cuervo shit or that bland patron bottle you bought for $20 more than its worth. Talking about 100% agave, no diffuser, tahona only crushing good shit. Pasote is my current go-to; sipping that blanco is heaven.
Espolon repasado for mixing, blanco is only worth it for high end.

"Tequila has numerous health benefits (and is lower in calories than Smirnoff vodka). Agavins, the natural sugar found in tequila, are non-digestible (meaning they act like fiber) and won't raise your blood sugar levels.Furthermore, the sugar is shown to help lower cholesterol and can help you lose weight."

When I was in the middle of my alcoholism, I definitely gained weight, but it was sloooooow. I would eat maybe 2-500 calories worth of food and take 1000-2000 calories worth of shots a day. The problem is that the more alcoholic you are, the more booze you need to feel drunk, so I eventually ticked up into some pretty gnarly alcohol consumption amounts.

Imagine being pretentious enough to write this

I bet you like vodka

you're probably shitting your guts out at that point and not absorbing much anyway

Nobody likes vodka, it tastes like asshole. But nobody drinks vodka straight either unless they’re autistic. Tequila isn’t going to taste good in my cranberry juice.

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good vodka isn't supposed to have a taste you brainlets, its just a drink like water