Cook a big meal

>cook a big meal
>eat 1/4th of it, even though im still hungry throw 3/4's of it away
>more satiated than if I just cooked 1/4th the original meal
cutting secrets general

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The fuck are you talking about?

>tfw broke and can't afford pulling this shit
fuck off man

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you're "broke" because you're still in middle school and your allowance is 20 bucks

have you tried getting a job?

Why would you throw it away instead of eating later?

Eating leftovers is fucking retarded. I don't live in a fucking third world country! Do you wear leftover clothes as well?

>Do you wear leftover clothes as well?

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>Eating leftovers is fucking retarded.
>Do you wear leftover clothes as well?
Nvm. My sides have been launched.

Let me guess, you are a fat burger trying to cut?

thanks user, made me chuckle for the first time in a while

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It's called meal prep. Dish into 4 containers and fridge/freeze 3 of them.

it doesn't FEEL the same as throwing it away. I.e. I can go in the fridge and just eat more. Im not going to dig in the trash to eat

so youre saying you like wasting your time on cooking?


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>Im not going to dig in the trash to eat
Whatever it takes.



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He's going to look so dumb when he's older. Fucking roidfags

man is going to age like shit with all those tatoos


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he already looks retarded

I wanna see how wrinkled this man looks at 72

Anyone have a mega for his Onlyfans content?

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im sorry for your loss

dont do that please

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im sorry for you loss user

What did those other anons do wrong

Bump for onlyfans