
Genuine question is it healthy to smoke weed nearly every day?

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no, retard

of course not

Why though?? Seriously? I'm genuinely curious?

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Meant to reply with

No, you fuck up your lungs, 99% becomes more lazy and it increases the chance of becoming psychotic

Because it makes you lazy you fucking idiot. If you weren't so high all the time you would notice what it is doing to you

just dont inject it or mix it with creatine and you will be fine

>tfw go for just 24 hours without smoking
>insane cravings, sweating, cant eat, cant sleep

ya go for it its awesome

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>>tfw go for just 24 hours without shooting heroine
>>insane cravings, sweating, cant eat, cant sleep
>ya go for it its awesome


Barely anyone can smoke everyday and actually be successful. Anyone can take a shitty wagecuck job and just smoke at night, but other aspects will likely still suffer like fitness. There are those successful stoners who are making great money and smoke crazy amounts all day everyday, but you are not that person, almost nobody is.

Weed is better used on occasion. Maybe just on the weekends, maybe only once a month, or maybe just on vacation/breaks a few times each year. I love the stuff but treat it like alcohol, obviously you shouldn’t get drunk everyday. When you only use it on occasions every now and then, you can enjoy it way more and it greatly enhances what you’re doing.

Don’t get me wrong I wish I could smoke everyday. When I’m retired if I still want to as a 50+ year old I more than likely will smoke everyday. At that point I’m sure title be federally legal everywhere and legal to grow your own too, so it would tie into a hobby of mine of plants.

No. Its bad for your lungs and teeth. Marijuana smoke is very bad for your teeth.

It makes you a lazy sack of shit. No motivation and you become content with having a shit, boring life. The only time you're really happy is when you're high. It ruins your appetite so you can only eat well when you're stoned. You don't get good quality sleep and anything you do whilst you're high doesn't get recorded into your memory properly.

I know maybe 2 people who function really well on weed out of the ~20 I know. One of them has OCD, ADHD and BPD, it makes her chill the fuck out and she can function like a normal human being. The other smokes all the time and seems pretty happy and mentally clear. He's a true high test alpha chad though.

Weed is okay on occasion, you should treat it like you would alcohol. I smoked habitually 3-4g a day for 6 years and it ruined my mental health. Now i can smoke two puffs every few weeks and be happily high, giddy and have amazing high sex.

Its up to you though. You know if you smoke it how you handle it.

Obviously it's not.
Cognitive effects, bad for your lungs, you probably do less and eat more when you're stoned.

Drugs are lower class normie-tier shit.

/t. Actual chad

How is marijuana smoke bad for your teeth? Isn't it just due to falling asleep with an open mouth?

Based chad

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So I just recently started journaling, it allows to me organize my thoughts and gives me clarity on the big picture. One of the prompts I was writing about was my goals and more specifically what would prevent me from achieving those goals of mine. Low and behold, weed was number one. Aside, from creativity, you just work better when you're sober. You have more energy, you can think clearer, etc.

I'm going to cut back from smoking every day to smoking only on the weekends.

Weed should be consumed like alcohol, a social drug only.

>Cognitive effects
>bad for your lungs
how are brownies bad for your lungs?
>you probably do less
sativa strains actually boost productivity
>and eat more
weed amplifies your appetite, but it's still up to you if you eat or not

tl;dr you're retarded

I could drive to your house and piss on your face you'd need a pubmed link to believe it wasn't raining

You couldn't because i'd make you eat lead before you came any close to me. I own a remington brand remington shotgun.

Using drugs to cope with your pathetic existence isn't healthy. Unless it's medicinal and you actually need it. Stupid fuck.

based and made-me-laugh-pilled

all of my wat.

how is cannabis smoke bad for teeth?

Unequivocally cringe. Kill yourself dude weed pothead lol faggot

I smoke every evening since 3 weeks. I honestly don'
t understand people who get lazy from it. Those people were already lazy pieces of shit. If you actually care about your life, you still would get your shit done when you smoked the evening before.

Incredibly based

I went cold turkey and it's been almost three years now, had zero withdrawals like what you're describing. Smoked weed heavily HEAVILY like multiple times every day for years.
Sounds like you are a baby.

It's hard to detect sarcasm over the Internet, huh?


>t. never smoked weed before

go back to r*ddit

I don't get why people hate on weed. Like dude haha chill bro its good for you and i bet you can't even one link that makes you proof of it being ,bnad for you n snop dog smokes every day

checkmated normies

"nearly every day" is a reliance mechanism. And by doing so, you make all the temporary negatives of weed smoking permanent.

You are basically handicapping yourself because why? You don't want to deal with the sober world?

good for you. youre probably smoking shit weed (less than 15% thc). i smoke a ounce of medical grade shit (20% minimum) every week. its much more commom to experience what i described than not when quitting weed.

>inb4 wEedS nOt a DrUgaRinOooooo


It depends on what it does to you. If you use it to relax and do nothing to improve yourself then it's not good for you at the end.
I took a semester off from school and started smoking everyday. I used that time to lose weight and do better at work.