Asalamu Alaikum brothers. Last one got deleted for some reason. It is Ramadan Eve. How are you all preparing for the first fast?
/RG/ Ramadan General
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Lots of bacon and whiskey
its seems like ramandam is always happening. is it more than once a year?
planning to cut, prob not gonna eat out or visit relatives anyway so should be easy to follow through
once per year, lunar calendar though which is 3% shorter than a gregorian one
just eat whatever food that left at home being quarantine and all
planning to do 14hr-ramadan-dry-fast plus water fast. wish me luck bois
Nah, it's once a year. Well, once every 11.5 months because the Islamic calendar is lunar instead of Solar. There are 354 days.
Thoughts on skipping sehr? I'm planning on just drinking water and doing iftar omad.
Very based. Fuck mozzys
samosas and dates all day EVERY day, brother.
Gonna sleep in all day lads can get work done in 4hrs now at home pretty comfy 2bh
kek im fasting rn is it actually not ramadan yet
enjoy liver failure and cancer
It's tomorrow. But I guess if you live in New Zealand it's today for you.
I‘m not lifting anyways, doesn‘t matter
im so glad gonna go eat rn
Bro if you've already done the intention of fasting you can't just break it because it's not Ramadan.
I'd rather fuck jews.
I'm honored you put us at the top user.
>haha based lmaolol
Wasn't Joe also a muslim? I wonder what he's doing
In order to honor my muslim bros I will intermittent fast for Ramadan, however I will be drinking water throughout the day. Also Shia > Sunni
abu user you fuck I know you're here
He's not doing too good, heard he was diagnosed with sugma.
Sunset OMAD.
I don't know who that is.
How do I into arabic?
The correct way to eat.
Best of luck and I hope you will stay strong enough to respect the fast.
Are there any introductionary works to read about Islam? I will be honest, I'm more or less atheist but I crave for higher meaning.
Read the Gospel of Barnabas
Read a biography of Mohammed
Find out the 5 pillars of Islam.
Then read the history of the Uthmatic Koran
Thank you, I did not expect such a detailed answer
Also read the new testament and understand Jesus before all of those I forgot the biggest part. Jesus actually has an important role in Islam and not many people know this
It's one of the more difficult languages to learn. But I guess the same way you would learn others. Learn the alphabet and what sounds they make, learn basic grammar and how words are joined.
Firstly I would say read the history of the middle East. It's not directly relevant but gives a lot of context. Read basics of Christianity too. Then I would read the biography of Muhammad like the user above mentioned.
From the ages of 16-24 I had to pretend to be fasting around my parents. Now I can happily ignore them and eat whatever fuck I want, because I've finally told I'm no longer Muslim.
Feels good man.
enjoy having the metabolism of a little girl, no wonder muslims are so small
if this is something youre doing regularly in this ideology
First I would say read up on some classical history and middle eastern history. It's not directly relevant but will give you the wider picture. Learn about Christianity too. Then I would say biography of Muhammad as the above user mentioned.
This is a very basic 2 minutes intro into the basics.
I can eat 2500 calories in one meal. Why not just fast and relegate all of my food into my dinner?