This is one of the best products I've ever bought. It's obviously not targeted toward hardcore squatbros...

This is one of the best products I've ever bought. It's obviously not targeted toward hardcore squatbros, but if you're out of shape, there's just nothing better out there.

okay, let us talk about that and go back to your containment powerlifting exercises/lookism threads.

Attached: ring-fit-adventure-for-nintendo-switch-608305.10[1].jpg (640x640, 107.66K)

>grown man plays video games



see you later.

>bing bang booom boom! If it don't made zoom zoom flashy lights on the nintendos I'm literally incapable of doing anything lolololollol!

I agree user but you can not covince Yas Forumsbros

Attached: heart rate.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

oh, I don't care. I'm not trying to convince anyone. There are interested people here/other people playing already.

gamification psychologically makes things easier and makes things feel more rewarding, indisputable evidence already exists

I actually agree this kind of shit is good for low self control fatties who can't exercise, but its only going to stay novel for so long and light cardio is only so much

Shut up queer we gamify by tracking our numbers in a spreadsheet like some Eve online sperg not a child mashing the jump button. Grow up!

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it's overwhelmingly not cardio based. it's mostly pilates type stuff and light resistance work

its cardio

i mean, no, it's pretty much not cardio at all. there's basically zero cardio.

it's also not for fat people, it's for out of shape normal weight people. fat people won't be able to do most of it.

entirely depends on what attacks you select. You can have a deck entirely consisting of knee lifts/mountain climbers/squats for easy cardio, bodyweight exercises, or just yogashit.

It honestly isn't bad but the complete lack of a pushup movement is fucking stupid. The ring is only like 20kg of resistance and the range of movement is tiny, there is nothing for the chest.

Attached: exercises.jpg (2114x924, 370.69K)

not like you can't just do pushups yourself between levels. weird omission though. it has trouble tracking prone stuff, like the plants.

front press gives a little chest work.

I can't deny that this allows more amerifats to get off their asses
>seriously needing flashy lights to workout

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The angle for the pushup to register is probably too small, true.

Curious, have you ever tried barbell lifting OP?

>having a problem with things that get more people interested in fitness

I mean, if you aren't simply a proponent of fitness by whatever means, why are you here?

Yas Forums was created to be about encouragement and until your zoomer phone plague appeared and congested it with lookism and height threads, that's what it was. fuck out of my thread if you have a problem with it.

it's cardio retard don't kid yourself

I can lift significant amounts of weight, I'm just out of shape from not doing it for a long time. I have a degree in exercise science, so I, in fact, understand exercise far better than the vast majority of this board.

Imagine that.

And btw it really doesn't matter how many squotes you can do of 15pl if you've never done a plank in your life.

Wii fit was a thousands times better but a pair of running trainers is a fraction of the cost and much better cardio

I cannot comprehend why someone with a degree in excercise science would advocate for this product other than to make a bait thread

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whoa, you can't comprehend why a person in public health would want more people to be fit and healthy?

guess you're not very smart then, maybe close this tab and go back to mewing general

yeah, except ring fit adventure has like, 5% cardio. it's pilates, yoga, and body weight/light weight resistance.

The verdict is that this is better than wii fit because it actually encourages you to perform reps, the balance board was fucking stupid

Attached: form.webm (1280x720, 3M)

bopp skitty bop, bop boppb shimmidy bahhhh

>have a degree in exercise science

Kys homo

someone post the webm

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 82.38K)

>gamification psychologically makes things easier and makes things feel more rewarding, indisputable evidence already exists
Never have I ever read a more soi braided statement than this.

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Attached: god I wish that were me.webm (580x378, 1.74M)

>can lift significant amounts of weight, I'm just out of shape from not doing it for a long time

Haha the fucking cope

>I can lift significant amounts of weight, I'm just out of shape from not doing it for a long time.
Read what you just wrote carefully. 1.) “significant” is almost 100% just 1pl8 on everything, maybe 1/2/3/4. That’s nothing great. And 2.) if you haven’t lifted in a long time and you’re out of shape what makes you think you can still lift those numbers? Get real dickhead

I couldn't care less about lifting your approved amount of weight. close the tab.

*suddenly everyone in the thread becomes interested in the game*