Is it Yas Forums to give yourself a facial scar and pretend it happened in a fight to look tough?

Is it Yas Forums to give yourself a facial scar and pretend it happened in a fight to look tough?

Never thought about it before but I'm pretty sure chicks would dig it

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hall what are you doing

I used to cut myself and now I pass it off like that, women seem to like it but I wish i didn't have these scars

Oh god please dont start this trend again

He was jumped you moron. It's not hard to believe some people just are TOUGH AS NAILS, he took on 12 guys with hammers and knives

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That is so fucking gay dude, why were you so emo in highschool

imagine caring so much about a deadlifting contest between two huge genetic outliers taking Rich Piana levels of gear

>so yeah i picked an epic fight at a club but this pussy brought friends so i kinda sorta lost but hey it was an unfair fight so i got this scar. didnt even cry im so badass. wanna sleep with me now?

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Nobody's talking about deadlifts here you brain-dead faggot this is about epic facial scars that chicks dig

I had my gyno removed in 2017 which i was really glad that its gone since i can wear shirts like normal without having my nipples print out my shirt. And more importantly the throbbing sensitivity is gone.
Anyway while i was recovering the piece of shit surgeon cut too far on one side of my nipples so the suture tore open the first week of recovery.
The doctors did jack shit cause they didn’t wanna risk infection. So i had a gaping hole in my chest and i was able to see my muscle tissue. It was cool it gave me chills when i felt the air blow inside the wound. I was confused why they didn’t want to fix it. the wound closed up with no issues however.
So now after these years i have a huge scar beside my right nipple, sometimes i play it cool when im intimate with a girl which sparks their curiosity. i just keep it vague but im hesitant being touched right there when i get intimate

It's just ridiculous.
Besides, if you have any experience with blades, you can tell quite a bit from scars. For example, the guy in your pic was almost certainly cut by a lefthander while he was trying to turn away and flee. The angle is wrong for a righthander, and how the scar does not form a straight line shows that he was trying to turn away while he got cut rather than advancing or sidestepping.
Such a mark of cowardice is bad enough, but going around with a scar that obviously wasn't caused in combat and claiming differently just makes you seem like a poser.
Also, scars caused by straight blades quickly fade to the point where they are almost invisible unless you deliberately mess with them. For example, I have three knife scars on my right hand and forearm, and they are faded to the point where only one the most recent one is visible, and even that one can only be seen when the light is good.
Might be different for blacks and hispanics though, as scars stay white.

Honestly dude, scars are so commonplace that people will hardly notice you have one unless you grossly disfigure, like chelsea smile yourself. There's really no point. For reference I have a medium sized scar over the side of my left eye, from a piece of angle grinder blade that snapped on me. Its pretty obvious, but no one ever asks about it.

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Lol wut

Lmfao, this dude actually gave himself a face scar and passed it off as the most laughable fight ever.

I can get one guy drubkenly wanting to fight him but they would have nothing to gain from organizing a 12 man beating on him unless the dude fucked someones wife

OK genius, how did I get this scar?

Yeah, bitches love facial scars, it makes them think you can handle your shit and you're worth something. Cutting yourself is a pussy move though.

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>Is it fit to pretend

holy cringe
the fitness community truly is filled with turbo brainlets
i like that though XDDD

The most laughable part is some fat fuck like Eddie Hall pretending like he was part of a fight that lasted more than 5 minutes, as if he could last longer than 20 seconds max.


Strongmen need and have endurance, at least the good ones

when i was a kid i fought with this other kid (who today is one of my best friends) and he scratched one side of my face up pretty badly

no one ever asked me about it lol except girlfriends (after a while)

Lightsaber duel on Mustafar

While u egolifted I studied the blade

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>Eddie "I was literally lying in a pool of my own blood" Hall
>Eddie "I went to a psychotherapist and learned to tap into my inner strength by imagining my daughter dying" Hall
this guy is so fucking full of shit lmao

I knew he was cringe but holy shit this is some next level shit

>oye shitte, ey foond out bout dat, an now thors gonna take me deadlift reacird tooo?

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I have a small scar on my face but it happened because I got drunk and headbutted my friend's grill(the thing where you cook meat)

Good times were had with the lads

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lmaoo like a teenager coming up with a badass story to tell his friends.
'is eyes turned turquoise

5-10 minutes is an insanely long street fight. Imagine a 2 round UFC fight happening in the streets. lol hes so full of shit its embarrassing.
this dude literally cut a scar into his own face bahaha

>The thing where you cook meat
So his girlfriend?

>the fight only lasted five or ten minutes
fucking kek
