Anything from 5'5 to 5'8
>t. 5'7 manlet
Anything from 5'5 to 5'8
>t. 5'7 manlet
b-but I'm 5'4
you keep posting you fucking midget lmao
Gymnast mode
OP here. Fuck off reddit niggers and give me some real answers. Also samefag
Alex from calisthenicmovement is peak aesthetics, even more so were he leaner
he's 5'8" I believe
Dwarf mode.
I'd say this dude is pretty close. He's 5'8 (not me)
>Balding low test soicuck
5'5 manlet reporting in
Small calves. Otherwise, could be.
>Low test
Pick one.
There's only one answer.
jack ily
baldlet cope
balding occurs regardless of test levels and happens because of a gene that makes hair follicles sensitized to androgens, which even low test men produce
how could you all have forgotten him already
What height really was he?
6'3, he sacrificed his online reputation so that manlets everywhere would have hope
Those arms look ridiculous though
i can believe he was 64kg @ that height
people really do have lighter frames
Is it true to say that manlets lose weight quicker and gain muscle easier?
It makes a lot of sense if this is this case
Shit man, didn’t see the similarities when the dwarf was posted in /DmG/
Yes. Even a couple of inches really makes the difference. I was fatter than my brother when we ate the same. And i am more muscular than my brother when we workout the same. Im 5'7 and hes 5'11
I didn't read well. Its not true that we put on muscle easier. Its just that it's more noticeable. Downside is that is easy to get fat.
and its the same if you're cutting. If a manlet is working out and doing cardio, he will shed weight a lot quicker than a taller man.
It could be worse, gymnasts have shitty triceps
imagine if they had good ones