You really not harming your body doing unnecessary diets and workouts during this pandemic, aren't you user?

You really not harming your body doing unnecessary diets and workouts during this pandemic, aren't you user?

Attached: ETvuAWPXsAYLN4z.jpg (2048x1930, 494.36K)

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Get the fuck out. Back to r/fat acceptance or wherever you came from.

>harming your body by diet and exercise

weak bait

>mortality rate of 0.0031%
stop making excuses and eat less

i think the quarantine is softening people up too much here in the USA.

it's actually keeping me sane but thanks

>using the fake nothingburger as an excuse to munch on junk and sit on your ass all day
normies, please

The only thing keeping me somwhat sane during these times of shit is working out

>you are going through a pandemic, make sure your mind and body is prepared for the worst.

actually I'm fasting

42 hours right now, going for 56 (2 days 3 nights) atleast

The best correlation with death after age is being fat.

>going easy on yourself just because we're in a pandemic
KEK when did weaklings start visiting this board

Attached: kingkrool.png (590x391, 616.11K)

Harming your body is easy. Rest days are hard.

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I'm down 22 lbs over the last two months.

Fuck off faggot

>obese people are in the risk group
>"Best time to get fat, go easy on yourself"

God I fucking hate when people say this shit, it's hardly ww3, you're not scared let's be honest all you have to do is stay at home.
People like this will always find an excuse to not improve, now is the perfect time.

god i hate women

>You really not harming your body doing unnecessary diets and workouts during this pandemic, aren't you user?
I actually knew a guy who thought like this and said this type of thing a lot. That fitness was for insecure betas meanwhile dude was fat as fuck and one of the most out of shape people in our friend group

Imagine being this weak. This is the time to work HARDER!

Attached: 1582385843890.jpg (600x600, 82.62K)

It's 3.4%
It's just enough for people to be worried, gives me a chance to get those HOMEGYM GAINS

sorry to be "um...actually" but misinformation in these times can be lethal, stay safe Yas Forums lift inside

Where testing has been done on representative samples, it has shown a load of non-symptomatic cases. It's only as bad as the 'flu.

if anything now is the best time especially given that obesity is a major risk factor if you get covid19

That post just screams

Ah, that's true, I think it's still important that we exercise caution.

Do americans really?

I’ve actually lost about 12 pounds.

no quarantine:

>I never have time to workout and cook my own food


>don't feel bad if you're gaining weight because you're sitting at home and eating all day. It's not your fault!

Some people are great at mental gymnastics.

Instagram is full of this shit. I don’t personally use it, but my wife is always sending me screenshots of the ridiculous shit her friends post.

You're living through a pandemic.

No, I'm not harming my body. In fact, I and all of my clients are doing exactly what doctors recommend in order to maintain a healthy immune system. One of my clients has lost 90lbs and feels the best she ever has. I'm going to recommend that she take up running soon because I think she would enjoy it.

And yet still more alpha than you apparently.

I miss the sauna so much you guys