Harsh truth bomb for you fags today
>porn pics are just nudes of women you’ll never have
>porn vids are just vids of women you’ll never have fucking other dudes
>paying for onlyfans/premium snaps are just paying for the nudes of women you’ll never have
>the porn industry thrives off of human trafficking
Shut the fuck up, stop making excuses, stop being a fucking coomer, and start nofap now.
Harsh truth bomb for you fags today
gonna call based on this one
always good to know that Yas Forums is taking such an interest in my penis, balls and semen.
At least someone is, you know?
Well maybe if you didn’t have to cry to Yas Forums every time a girl makes your penis, balls, and semen feel lonely we wouldn’t have to have this convo now, would we?
My brother told me about this onlyfans shit last month (I don't have social media and didn't know wtf it was). He told me he paid $35 a month to look at this slut from thotigram and my jaw almost hit the floor. What a fucking cuck haha
>porn pics are just nudes of women you’ll never have
Not when I look at your mum's porn videos
Of course, bro. We care about you.
Absolutely certified based
Yas Forums is anti-porn
We have a coomer in the audience
What if i jerk off to anime women
that means that you're quite based
Every good Yas Forumsizen knows this stuff. But thanks for the reminder.
Use them as motivation not coom material
It's lonely out here bruh
>the porn industry thrives off of human trafficking
Not to mention has proven itself as essentially a propaganda wing of the international banking dynasty
When you consume porn, You are willingly degrading yourself and others. You degrade yourself by giving sexual & romantic attention to a girl that will not only never be with you but will never notice that affection, leading to nothing but self destruction.
You willingly degrade others when consuming porn by not just supporting the rampant human sex trafficking involved in the industry but allowing it to continue thriving. Every visit to CoomHub will always put money into a sex trafficker's pocket one way or another.
Stop being a disgusting shit with no self control, stop supporting a degenerate industry; stop cooming.
porn will make your loneliness even worse.
>degrade yourself
It turns you into a junkie for boobs and butts, makes you suck at sex
based OP
>It turns you into a junkie for boobs and butts
this is entirely true. goys today have had their brains busted wide open, the widespread thirst only makes everything worse
and we wonder why women have such power in our society
>redditt spacing.
I sometimes wonder how much nofap spam is actual, literal shilling from the NoFap company.
The seething obsession these fuckers have with strangers touching their penises is just completely bizarre otherwise.
I don't buy that it's all self-righteousness; I'm sure that's some of it, but this kind of unprovoked "hi, how are you? you must do what I tell you or you're a disgusting shit" evangelism is extremist vegan tier. I don't buy that many people really drank the kool-aid THAT hard.
>coomers ITT
>Some company I've never heard of
>Multibillion dollar porn industry
Thanks for the upvote, my man.
>companies will never shill for themselves
Yes good goyim.
>porn vids are just vids of women you’ll never have fucking other dudes
Jokes on you, I don't watch porn with women in it.
I'd say alot of users trying to get off porn develop a preachy tone from disgust and frustration with the addiction. Pretty typical. Lobbying against the vice is a standard coping mechanism. But that doesn't mean porn is good for you. You should be less concerned with 'someone else telling me what to do,' and more focused on if you're going to get PIED
>the guy making nofap threads on Yas Forums has never heard of nofap
If some $50,000 a year business in the midwest is plying Yas Forums with shilling, what the fuck can the porn industry do?
I'm not OP. And I've never heard of a 'nofap company.'
>Lobbying against the vice is a standard coping mechanism.
It's not, though. Former alcoholics don't spend their afternoons picketing outside liquor stores.
Filling all your time with alcohol-related activities is a pretty awful way to get alcohol out of your life.
>I'm not OP.
Then I was not referring to you. Did you misread and think I said every single nofapper is a paid shill or something?
I think a lot of the ones making random aggressive off-topic threads are shills.
>the porn industry thrives off of human trafficking
recycling used goods is good for the environment
>Former alcoholics don't spend their afternoons picketing outside liquor stores.
Hang out at an AA meeting sometime. Recovering heroin junkies are the worst, though. And I think the fact that people trying to quit porn naturally fall into the same types of behaviors as literal recovering drug addicts speaks volumes about what kind of a problem this stuff is. Any 8 year old boy with a smartphone can easily find and watch any and all types of porn. The fact that governments allow this is a crime against humanity
Porn really is cancer. I'm 32 khv and all because of porn. With quick fap, I feel no need to chase or want to get laid or find a gf. Have lots of $$$ but emotional wise I'm pretty fucked. Since 18 I tried to stop but failed. Edibles really makes me horny tho
>Hang out at an AA meeting sometime
What for? Are you implying that AA actually does go picket outside liquor stores?