Goodbye natty card

Got my first vial locked and loaded for tomorrow. I want to try a short 3 week cycle to make sure I don’t get nasty acne or other sides.

400mg day 1
200mg every 3 days after that
Day 22 take 6 weeks off and pct

Will let you bundles of sticks know how it goes

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Then you'll stop and lose your gains lmao. Enjoy never having natural test levels again, jail all cheaters

What a hormonal rollercoaster.
Godspeed user

RIP your hairline
But nah have fun, I used to want to do a cycle but was only 20 and thought against it, cbf now

>3 weeks test e

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These idiots don't know how to run cycles with aromatase inhibitors lol

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This user is correct with a 3 week cycle you will literally have have 1 week of roid gains, its test e so it takes some time for the effects to kick in, I guess it's worth it if it's your first go and you PCP properly so you're not a weak depressed woman for the next 3 weeks after your cycle is over

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>PCP properly

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>3 week cycle
user, less is not better.

It's called creatine, you might've heard of it.

Goodbye bro

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You idiot, you need to cycle on test e for 12 weeks MINIMUM

This sounds like an excellent first cycle. Please post before pics right now and give us after pics in 3 weeks.

Your hormones are gonna be so fucked up.

Post body pic now? I've reached my "natty limit" a few years ago but just switched from lifting to martial arts so actually LOST mass (about 10-15lbs). Very tempted to take up roiding as I get into a grappling discipline and gain about 20lbs. Anymore would put me in a weight category where I'd be fighting giants so happy with 20lbs max.

Tempted by SARMs with a test e cycle and a full PCT follow up

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user no. Test E has a half life of 7 days it's gonna take 2-3 weeks to even work. If you did a 3 week "cycle" you don't need a pct. Just do a 12-16 week cycle at 400. Also do you have a place to train? Don't think injecting test will just give free muscle

You're retarded, one month is literally when it kicks in all the way
Why do people keep trying to reinvent the wheel, just do 16 weeks of 500mg test E a week, injecting twice a week, along with 500 IU HCG each injection. Dial in a dose of an AI like exemestane (aromasin) that works for you. Then after 16 weeks, stop the test, HCG, and exemestane, wait 2 weeks, then do 6 weeks of 20mg tamoxifen (nolvadex)/day.
Retards who don't understand much about the hormones but want to use them anyway, like you, just end up fucking up their endocrine system and getting tons of side effects for absolutely no results.

Stop spoonfeeding these retards

Based helpful user

>AIs will prevent hairloss
This kind of misinformation is why people like OP run retarded ass cycles

Forgot the part where he runs 300/300 mast test for the second cycle, then 500/500/500 test mast primo for his third and become Frank Zane

Just do 1/2 a ml twice a week for 10 weeks. Like 125mg on Monday and Thursday for 10 weeks. That’s actually a good first cycle. Guys that have been on for years will tell you it’s not enough because they can no longer get results from 250mg Test E per week but you will get great results from it on your first cycle.

High test cycles are retarded
>Short cycle with PCT
Test A 100mg/wk and Dbol
>Long cycle with PCT
Test E 100mg/wk and EQ high doses
Do whatever you want just know you'll be shut down for a year when you come off

How long does that vial going to last?how many do you usually need for a 12 week cycle

You only get hairloss is you're already susceptible to male pattern baldness, which means you're already going to be a bald fuck anyways with or without roids

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Test is king. Dbol is fine, but it's kind of silly to run it instead of test. Why be liver toxic for no reason?
EQ also has different estrogenic effects for different people. Kind of like mast. Some people on low test high EQ would get low estradiol sides.
Why be shutdown longer than you have to?

Do you fucking have your anti estrogens OP???

>Why be shutdown longer than you have to?
So you don't lose gains and have to start back from square 1. Never stop injecting.

Dunning Kruger effect in full swing

>1. Never stop injecting.

Based and Golden Era pilled

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